• 12inch

The Journey

  • Cat No: Paryìa005
  • 2024-05-06


12inch ---- JPY

話題の南米ベネズエラのカラカス発祥のゲットーダンスRaptor House渦中のDJ Babatrの12インチ。ストックしました。環大西洋のアフリカン・ルーツのリズムの魅惑も潜むレイヴ、テクノ。是非。

Raptor House、Changa Tuki。ミニテカと呼ばれるモバイル サウンド システムで活動してきたというDJ Babatr。本国では大盛り上がり、マイアミ発、Future TimesやDJ Pythonとのコラヴォレーションでお馴染みのNick Leónとの絡みでも注目され、ARCAがDJプレイしたとか、DJ BabatrのBoiler Roomでのプレイが話題ですね。レゲトン、カリビアン・ダンス、アフリカン・リズムと、テクノやオールドスクールなユーロダンスな感じもミックスされたゲットーレイヴ。ダンスミュージックの現場の面白さはどんどん更新されている。 (サイトウ)

DJ Babatr, an influential figure in Caracas' miniteca scene, pioneered the city's distinctive raptor house sound,
also known as changa tuki. Breaking free from established norms, DJ Babatr explores genres, creating a sonic
universe that defies easy classification. Born from the rich tapestry of Venezuelan sound, DJ Babatr boldly
reimagines electronic music within the nation's unique context, shaping and redefining the global landscape with
Raptor House. His recent resurgence in the electronic music scene, catalysed by his contribution to Nick León's
breakout track "Xtasis," has rightfully brought attention to his innovative work. This vinyl release on Paryìa, the
next chapter in the ongoing narrative of electronic music, captures the essence of Venezuela's electronic
evolution. It serves as a testament to a cultural movement originating in vibrant Venezuelan neighbourhoods,
inviting listeners on a transcendent journey through innovative electronic landscapes. As electronic music
continues to evolve, DJ Babatr's story underscores the importance of diverse voices and Latin rhythms in
shaping the genre's global roots and influences. To seal off this special release, NYC’s Ayesha's percussive
remix of DJ Babatr's track brings a fresh, dynamic energy to the raptor house sound, infusing it with pulsating
rhythms and vibrant textures

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