• 12inch
  • Digital

Hands of Love (Fingers of Sand)

  • Cat No: IFEEL001
  • Release: 2009-11-09
  • updated:


Digital 1100 JPY

DJ Harveyのリミックス収録!ディスコ・フィールドの新レーベルINTERNATIONAL FEEL!

ウルグアイ発のレーベルとの触れ込みの話題の新レーベルINTERNATIONAL FEEL。なんといっても、久々登場となるHARVEYのミックスが聴けるのがなんとも嬉しいですね。ステレオフォニックなアナログ・モジュラーシンセの音色のおっかけっこ的なシンプルでマッドなかっこいいスローモー・ディスコ!フロアユースなREVERSOのサイケデリック・ブギー・グルーヴ、流麗なオリジナル、マッドネスなGATTTO FRITTOのミックスも話題です! (サイトウ) (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

A Beautiful Slo Mo Piano infused House Track direct from Uruguay's Atlantic Coast, released on 180g Heavy Vinyl with artwork direction and design by Phantom and illustration by Yuko Kondo.
Remixes by Harvey, Gatto Fritto, Reverso 68 and Mugwump.

I usually don't bother with mp3 links though with gatto fritto and harv's names the temptation was too big ; )
Loving the original the most, then Harvey's simple acid ditty – Prins Thomas
Just toured Japan and played the Gatto Fritto mix to death - Eric Rub n Tug
I really like the original! - Aeroplane
Gatto Fritto Mix played by Tim Sweeney on Beats in Space
I really like the Harvey mix and also the Mugwump mix - I thought both were top quality product – Fred Deakin
Great Stuff - Mike Simonetti, Italians do it better
LOVE it. The MUGWUMP mix gets my top vote for peak time hand - raising and its a battle btw HRV & GATTO for the afterhours essential – Jim Stanton, Horsemeat Disco
Love all the mixes of this track. Harvey's is a wicked weird little wig-out and the Reverso is great for clubbier situations – Damon, Disco Bloodbath
Lovely Music – Ewan Pearson
I like this......Very Much - Jose Padilla
A mindblowingly beautiful tune. Tune of the year without a doubt. Gatto kinds pips it, but Fu** me, this is remarkable......
A classic has just been made – Luke Unabomber
Ben Watt playing the Harvey Mix and Reverso Mixes
Absolutely killer EP with some great remixes - one of my faves of the year so far :)....will definitely be playing out and charting for a long long time :) Just played the original on our radio show at the Big Chill and everyone went a bit crazy and lots of people asking what it was :) - Ali Warm Music
Liking all the mixes , will definitely play Harvey mix , Reverso 68 mix and the Original......... all great mixes – Faze Action
Absolutely fallen in love with this package !!!! Future Balearic Classic without a doubt. - Pathann

Hands Of Love (Finger Of Sand)
International Feel
Based in Uruguay this label International Feel is the 'shizzle' based on this first release !!! With a clear vision of releasing only the finest music with a high level of quality throughout, when played you'll be transported to sun kissed beaches with a choice of remixes that highlight the intent of the master plan. With remixes from the likes of Harvey [where you been ?], Reverso 68 and others plus the original, this is essential for all music lovers.


Hands Of Love (Finger Of Sand)
International Feel

A new label with a groovy name, that comes, amazingly, from Uruguay and features on its first release the rare delight of a Harvey remix. Rocha makes soul pleasing piano house, whose feeling is kept/continued in the Harvey remix, which he also brings to a high with some 'acid claustrophobia'. Other remixes include Reverso '68, Gatto Fritto and the busy Mugwump, in their own unique style. Pressed/released on 180g vinyl with incredible artwork, buy quickly to make sure you can get hold of these collectors pieces.

"Gatto and Harvey mixes for us here… nice!" - FOUND SOUNDS (DJ MAG)

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