• 12inch
  • Digital

V - Five Years of Artefacts - Chapter Two

  • Cat No: SA5YEARS02
  • Release: 2014-11-17
  • updated:


Digital 460 JPY


イタリア出身ベルリン在住、エクスペリメンタルなテクノシーンを牽引するDJ/プロデューサーの一人LUCY主宰の STROBOSCOPIC ARTEFACTSの5周年企画のコンピレーション、アナログ第2弾。LUCYとロッテルダムのリヴィング・レジェンドSPEEDY JのユニットZEITGEBER。そしてこちらも大ベテランL.B. Dub Corp(LUKE SLATER)のトラックを収録! (サイトウ) (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Zeitgeber and L.B Dub Corp split the second in Stroboscopic Artefacts’ series of fifth anniversary records.
‘Totemism’ opens with distant, reverberating bells and a thin film of hiss and crackle. But, one minute in, heavy and incessant drums cut through the ambience, hitting you straight in the chest. The surrounding atmosphere evolves and filters in-and-out of the mix until, halfway through, the track takes an unexpected turn with an elastic bassline and acid squelches.
‘Take It Down Again’ is a brilliantly-realised exercise in tension, dub delay and mixing board creativity, all made to shine by a dose of oddball musicality and sampling. This version of 2010’s ‘Take It Down’ is more restrained and tonally varied, equipped to instil a brooding and tribal darkness on the floor.

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