• 12inch
  • Digital

Sense of Departure EP

  • Cat No: Quintessentials56
  • Release: 2017-09-28
  • updated:


Digital 1000 JPY

WILD PICTHやSTLICTLY RHYTHM等のアーリー90S HOUSEからのインスピレーションも伺えるソウルフルなモダン・ビートダウン。

イギリスの優良ディープハウス/ビートダウン・レーベル〈QUINTESSENTIALS〉からSOUL OF HEXことSEBASTIEN VORHAUSとのコンビでもリリースしているカリフォルニアの4004。 (サイトウ) (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Some more Mexican music on Quintessentials! This time from long time buddy 4004, another driving force in Mexico and already an established producer with releases on labels like Freerange, Faces, Vicario Ltd or Quintessentials. Mostly doing stuff on his own, Quintessentials 56 features a great collab track with Stuttgart's Stylus Heat. I'm not sure if we find 4004 reasons to like you Gerardo, but there are definitely two: you're a cool fella and we love your music - simple as that!

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