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Joe Tossini And Friends
Lady Of Mine
Joe Tossini Music
- Cat No: JTM001
- updated:2024-02-05
【再ストックしました】チープな打ち込み、鍵盤、カシオトーン、JOEの歌の個性、コーラスやトランペット。全てが最高すぎる名曲「Wild Dream」筆頭に、なんとも魅力的甘いDIYサウンド。89年の隠れた名盤が発掘されました。
Lady of Mine is the 1989 debut LP by self-made Italian-American Joe Tossini. An astoundingly honest, passionate record of cosmopolitan lounge music, he willed this charming suburban oddity into existence without any formal musical training. Sicilian by birth, Tossini drifted around the world between Italy, Germany and Canada, before finally settling in New Jersey. After the passing of his mother and the breakdown of a second marriage, an anxious and depressed Tossini took to songwriting as a form of therapy, crafting disarmingly candid lyrics from his extraordinary life and loves. Whatever industry savvy or musical virtuosity he lacked was made up for by unflinching resourcefulness and infectious charisma. Befriending bandleader Peppino Lattanzi at local club The Rickshaw Inn, he was encouraged to animate his singular songs with an ambitious cast of 9 players and 5 backing vocalists, sincerely credited as his Friends. The Atlantic City basement sessions are a low budget, high romance testament to Tossini’s character and the power of positive thinking. From the defiant, Casiotone samba of If I Should Fall In Love, to Wild Dream’s dizzying escapism and the native tongue croons of Sulla Luna and Sincerita, Lady Of Mine hums with the inimitable magic of a true original. Piercing the heart with an effectively sparse combination of humming keys, CompuRhythm drums, horn flourishes and backing divas, ample room was left for Tossini to frankly deliver h
「Wild Dream」をコンピレーションに収録し世に送りだしたNOISE IN MY HEADのレーベル〈EFFICIENT SPACE〉サポートのもと、USニュージャージーのイタリア系アメリ人のシンガーJOE TOSSINIが89年にリリースしたカルトな一枚が再発!バンドのメンバーには、FANIA ALLSTARSに在籍し、M.A.W.のヒットでも知られるTITO PUENTEとINDIAの「To Be In Love」の作曲でも知られるJOEY LATTANZIたち凄腕のミュージシャンたちが参加していて、彼らとアトランタのナイトクラブで出会い、セッションから発展した録音。僕は一曲目「If I Should Fall In Love」(sample2)からたまりません。ラティーナ、愛に溢れたドラマチックな世界。 (サイトウ)