• LP
  • Digital


  • Cat No: OUS019
  • Release: 2019-05-24
  • updated:


Digital 1000 JPY

TRESQUE、NHK YX KOYXENのリリースでも知られる、アヴァンギャルド実験音楽からのテクノ・ミニマリズム、ダブ・エクスペリメンタルを探求提案する意欲的チャレンジUK注目レーベル-OUS新作がなかなか素晴らしい。

トリノに拠点を置くメディアアート集団SPIME.IMによる仮想ドッペルゲンガーがすべてを網羅する世界でのアイデンティティと知覚の境界と可能性を探り、テクノロジー、3Dアート、エレクトロニクス・サウンズを駆使してオーディオビデオエクスペリエンス世界を織りなしている。無限に変化する仮想世界で人間の表現と技術的可能性を組み合わせることで現実を合成したエレクトロニクス・サイケデリック・イマジナリーな視覚的音響世界が構築されている。MVも必見。トラックリストからもどうぞ。 (コンピューマ) (LPのコメントから参照)

Track List

24bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Temporary linearity in a lysergic world.

Imagination and reality, science and humanity: SPIME.IM weave their audiovisual tales from the ethereal textures that shape our worlds. Their album "Exaland" synthesizes reality by combining human expression with technological potentialities in an infinitely changeable virtual world. The seven tracks are defined by razor-like sounds, crystal textures and digital overload, captured in those weightless seconds on a parabolic flight. Just as SPIME.IM's live performances, this album is a temporarily linear journey through a narrative space shaped by psychedelic landscapes, synthetic colors, mutating objects and transient life-forms.
SPIME.IM was born as a word pun between the concept theorized by Bruce Sterling - the spime for the note, an object that can be traced through space and time for the duration of its existence - and the contraction of English "I am". If the Being is therefore the object of the intertwining between the real and the virtual, then it becomes possible to create new imaginaries that turn into immersive environments and narrative spaces in which artificial and natural, science and humanity, imagination and reality interpenetrate, giving life to new boundaries to be explored, to experience the own consciousness and what, while invisible to our eyes, surrounds and influences us.
Affirming digital reality, the Turin-based media art collective SPIME.IM explores the boundaries and possibilities of identity and perception in a world where virtual doppelgängers take on an all-encompassing position. SPIME.IM use technology, 3D art and electronic music to weave immersive audio-video experiences.

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