• 7inch
  • Digital

Port Koma / Fanfarum for Komarum

  • Cat No: WJ0707
  • Release: 2019-08-02
  • updated:


Digital 420 JPY

アブストラクト・ヒップホップ的ブレイクビーツ先鋭性とヨーロピアンなスピリチュアル・フリージャズ・ソウルフル・モダンジャズファンクを提案してくれているベルリン拠点スウェーデン鬼才ベーシストPetter Eldh新作7インチがまたしてもかっこいい!!!センス漲る。中盤からのスロウダウンも痺れる。Side-B「Jagd」にはJAMESZOOも参加!!!!!

ナイスリリースは続く北欧フィンランド・ヘルシンキ注目の新興レーベルWE JAZZ RECORDS新作。BBC、Worldwide FM、KCRW、WDR 3 Jazz&World、Jazz Thing Magazine、1BTN、Vinyl Vibes、Shoreitch Radio、Heads.FM、Resonance FM、NTS等々から絶賛サポート&コメントが寄せられている。 (コンピューマ) (7inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

24bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Koma Saxo is a highly potent new five-piece produced by the visionary Berlin-based Swedish bassist-producer Petter Eldh. The lineup brings together five heavy jazz names on the Berlin–Nordics axis, including Eldh on bass, Christian Lillinger on drums and the frontline of three saxes: Otis Sandsjö, Jonas Kullhammar and Mikko Innanen. Despite the top-billing names, make no mistake: this is not just another "supergroup", but a real working band with their own sound and musical trejectory.
Eldh's vision for the Koma Saxo sound is one step ahead of what groovy avantgarde jazz could sound like in 2019, involving postproduction work with the raw material recorded in Helsinki in connection to Koma Saxo's successful debut at the We Jazz Festival. Both studio and live tapes exist side by side, and Eldh goes deep in molding the final music to be heard on the upcoming Koma Saxo releases.
The first introduction into the world of Koma Saxo comes in the form of a 7"/digital single "Port Koma / Fanfarum For Komarum". Side A presents a restlessly dubby beat track, which would be ripe for hiphop sample use. The flip launches into a joyful full-on groovy free jazz fest which is hard to resist. Think Art Ensemble of Chicago at their swingingest but add a little "Nordic Noir" dropped right into the busy streets of Berlin's Kreuzberg.

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