• 2LP
  • Digital

Euphoric Attempts

  • Cat No: OUS030
  • Release: 2022-10-14
  • updated:


Digital 1950 JPY

スイスのサウンドデザイナー/アーチスト、-OUSレーベルの共同設立者の一人にして、オーディオビジュアルグループEncor.Studioの一員でもあり、Sara OswaldやJulian Sartoriusとのコラボレーション等でのリリースはあったものの、ソロ名義Feldermelderとしては同レーベルからの初のソロアルバムがリリース。2LP全15トラック+DLコード付き。

クラシカルな初期電子音楽マナーのアナログ・エレクトロニクス、室内楽クラシカル/ジャズのエレガントな趣き、現代音楽コンテンポラリー・ミニマリズムを見事なバランス感覚で紡ぎ上げた見事なアルバムとなっている。ソフト・サイケデリック・ミニマリズムの淡い色彩が瞑想的にまどろんでいる。アヴァンギャルド実験音楽からのテクノ・ミニマリズム、ダブ・エクスペリメンタルを探求提案する意欲的チャレンジUK注目レーベル-OUS新作。 (コンピューマ) (2LPのコメントから参照)

"While focusing on the current conditions we find ourselves in and bracing for what seems like the collapse of humanity, I made this collection of music in an attempt to ignite the essential remnants of my inner euphoria, and perhaps yours too" - Feldermelder

Euphoric Attempts is a finespun, voluminous manifestation of euphoria, a testimony to creativity, produced at a time when the outside world seems to be slowly disintegrating. The musical language is pure, vast, resilient, and vulnerable. The compositions of Feldermelder have a tonality both strange and familiar, intensified and influenced by classical music, yet distinguished by the coalescence of contrasting styles.

Euphoric Attempts relates to the state of our external surroundings but also refers to our inner life: it passes through our memories — through our organism — through our stories, and intends to elude the cold grip of analytical listening, instead retrieving intrinsic truths. The track titles signify a form of homage to our inner individuality, existing in parallel with the severities of the tangible, the external.

For this album, Feldermelder draws together compositions from his extensive archives, focussing on material that reflects the simple joy of making music. As a counterpoint to the abstract complexities and intricate rhythms of his live performances, here Feldermelder creates candid compositions of purity and minimalism, finding a sense of elegance in the details. Euphoric Attempts discovers the prospect of liberation and vitality in concealed intimacies, capturing their resemblance in gentle, elaborate, and prodigious movements of sound.

Feldermelder is a Swiss musician, sound designer, producer, and installation artist. He is co-founder of -OUS and part of the audio-visual collective Encor.studio. He has previously released several releases on -OUS, both as a solo artist, and in collaboration with Sara Oswald and Julian Sartorius. Feldermelder's influences range from pioneering early electronic music to contemporary analogue electronics to classic jazz and beyond. The diversity of the music that inspires him is mirrored in his own work, which illustrates an ever-evolving sound, and indicates that influence is seen as both map and compass, guiding divergent inclinations.

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