- 7inch
- Digital
Caíto Sánchez
Names You Can Trust
- Cat No: NYCT7082
- Release: 2023-03-31
- updated:
2000年代以降、Charles Bradley、Quanticへの参加等々、最重要セッション・ミュージシャンとして確固たる信頼と地位を確立するNYCブルックリンの実力者ドラマー名手マルチ・インストゥルメンタル奏者Caíto Sánchezが待望ソロデビュー!!!Names You Can Trustからのリリース。
Track List
16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]
It's often a good sign when one of your favorite musicians steps out from beyond the studio walls and past the stage lights to fulfill their own inspired and creative intent. And Caíto Sánchez is not just a favorite musician, but as his lengthy resume as a sideman shows, he's also one of your favorite musicians' favorite musicians, constantly working without fanfare as an essential ingredient in a larger music feast. Sánchez earned his stripes in the 2000s and beyond as a key session player and an integral touring band member, a quiet standout even among many oversized personalities. A dedicated drummer born in Panama and living in New York, Sánchez is quite capable of keeping time for legends like Charles Bradley, Lee Fields, and Brian Jackson, as well as supporting eclectic outfits like the live groups of Quantic, Chico Mann and Midnight Magic. For all the players who have shared a stage or studio with him it comes as no real surprise, and frankly as a long overdue development, that such a unique artistic force is finally stepping into the spotlight.
With this debut single we get a glimpse into Sánchez's creative and artistic personal space, more precisely a multi-instrumental discipline of not only drums, but also bass, guitar and lead voice. It's an intensely intimate recording debut, a fantastic studio concoction born from the heart of its creator, and later fostered and mixed down by the talented hands of NYCT and Daptone veteran Victor Axelrod. The defining result on this initial 7-inch offering are two heavy psychedelic and moody nuggets of rock enespañol, a decidedly new wave of sounds and style that are quite capable of shining on their own.
With this debut single we get a glimpse into Sánchez's creative and artistic personal space, more precisely a multi-instrumental discipline of not only drums, but also bass, guitar and lead voice. It's an intensely intimate recording debut, a fantastic studio concoction born from the heart of its creator, and later fostered and mixed down by the talented hands of NYCT and Daptone veteran Victor Axelrod. The defining result on this initial 7-inch offering are two heavy psychedelic and moody nuggets of rock enespañol, a decidedly new wave of sounds and style that are quite capable of shining on their own.
マジカルでサイケデリック・エキゾチカ・ムーディーな音像、オルタナティヴ・ロック・エスパニョーラ・ブレイクス才気がほとばしる自らのヴォーカルを披露した注目作。これは素晴らしい。新たなムーブメントへと繋がりそうな重要な7インチ・シングルともなりそうな予感。今後の展開と活躍も非常に楽しみ。 (コンピューマ) (7inchのコメントから参照)