• 12inch
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  • Cat No: C4R001
  • updated:2024-02-19


12inch ---- JPY

オーガニックなパーカッションとジャッキン・アシッドの応酬。アムステルダムを拠点とし、Panorama barやDekmantelなどでDJとして活躍するKléoがデビュー!!303を駆使した強力なトライバル・アシッドハウスEP!自主レーベル〈Call 4 Rhythm〉よりリリース。バイナルオンリー。

DJとして精力的に活動するKléoことClélia ZidaのデビューEPをストックしました!オーガニック・サウンドとエレクトロニック・サウンドの融合というテーマで制作された本作。クリアな音質のパーカッションと煌びやかなストリングスが交差するなかでアシッドが立ちあらわれてくるA1.Deep Agogo(Sample1)。そしてコンセプト通りの直球トライバル・アシッドハウスB1.Let's Agogo(Sample2)。荒削りでありながらも、それゆえに強力な2トラック!要チェックです。 (Ashikaga)

2 Tracker from Parisian, Kléo - pumped up machine music that doesn't hold back.. TIP!

Kléo has been earning her stripes over the past decade and a half as both a distinct visual artist and well-respected dj. Refraining from the mainstream narrative she always remained close to her heart to express the unsaid. As her path embarks on to the next chapter it’s with great passion that she presents the first outing on her newborn label Call 4 Rhythm. A mind dazing invitation to let go and sense the raw, the rough. As much as it’s an authentic yet rugged dance floor affair, it guards the spirit and virtue of honesty. Elements which have been the backbone throughout every form of art she has shared over the years.

Dial 1 for ‘Deep Agogo’ sets off nostalgically, lingering keys remind of long gone days while menacing lines of acid make their way through the surface to ease in between robust percussive beats.

The flip houses the devastating Chicago-infused version, a statement bewildered by forceful 303 execution. Don’t be surprised if ‘Let’s Agogo’ prompts filthy facial expressions along the smouldering moments of this jackin’ beat-down. Roughly eight minutes to soar in total let go.

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