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Morgadinho (Remix)

  • Cat No: NOT-04
  • updated:2024-08-26


12inch 2690 JPY

アンゴラのキング・オブ・ドラムス(O Rei dos Tambores)と言われるJoãozinho Morgadoを、ベルリンのプロジェクトGebrüder Teichmannがリミックス。

〈Festplatten/Noland Tracks〉主宰、Beige GTなどのベルリンの電子音楽とダンスシーンを跨いで活躍するAndi & Hannes Teichmann兄弟のプロジェクトGebrüder Teichmann。ナイジェリアのミュージシャンWura Sambaとのコラボレーションに続いて、70年代から活動するアンゴラのパーカッショニストJoão Morgado。SoundwayやCrammed Discsもフックした現行KuduroのキープロジェクトのひとつBatidaの作品にも参加しているアーチスト音源のリミックスとGebrüder Teichmann英義の「Kalimada」をカップリング。こちらもアフリカンリズムに影響を受けたユニークなビート感。 (サイトウ)

When Mano asked Gebrüder Teichmann to do a remix for Joãozinho Morgado, the King of Drums (O Rei dos Tambores) the two brothers couldn´t get more excited:
Starting from a love for dirty fast Kuduro beats those two pale potatoes, who spent years in dark Berlin basement underground clubs have been infected by energetic Angolan rhythms.
During their stays and musical collaborations in Luanda, they soon found Semba, Kazukuta, Kilapanga, Rumba and Merengue and all that fantastic musicians and music of the 60´s and 70´s golden age of Angolan music. Morgadinho was originally recorded at Gravisom studio in Lisbon, where Joãozinho Morgado orchestrated a groovy jam session with the Turma da Bênção project by Conjunto Angola 70 & Paulo Flores. Joãozinho was accompanied by Botto Trindade (Solo Guitar), Pirika Duia (Viola Ritmo), Mayo Bass (Viola Bass) and Galiano Neto (Percussion). The session was coordinated by Armando Gobliss.

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