• Digital

Not Enough

  • Cat No: WGDIG3
  • Release: 2020-07-10
  • updated:


digital 240 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Music has always been political. Especially electronic music. Electronic music has always been about
equality and inclusion. Even though the message has been defused for a while, these days it is more
important than ever.
Especially as an artist influenced by African culture, whos been working with African artists over and over, I
constantly see racism. Its seriously bugging me. It hurts each time I see it. No matter if it appears in its
blatantly brutal obvious form of physical violence or in more subtle ways of systemic racism, too many
people are just not aware of.
There are only two ways to respond: Conspiring or fighting it. Thats the message I wanted to express - in a
positive way. So I started jamming about that theme with my good friend Lazarusman. And we finally
finished "Not Enough" at the end of last year for an upcoming Watergate compilation project that is due in
autumn this year.
Seeing "Black Lives Matter" finally gaining momentum we decided to release "Not Enough" earlier than
planned. Mainly to support the movement. And together with Watergate Records we decided to donate all
the money being made to charities that fight racism: In the USA where it is needed a lot these days.
All profits of this release will be donated to Know Your Rights Camp (www.knowyourrightscamp.com). Know
Your Rights Camp is a free campaign founded by Colin Kaepernick to raise awareness on higher education,
self empowerment, and instructions on how to properly interact with law enforcement in various scenarios.
We all need to fight racism. We need to fight it, wherever we may find it. Including ourselves.

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