• Digital

Eigenleben LP

  • Cat No: ORNAMENTS041
  • Release: 2016-11-14
  • updated:


digital 1200 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Creating something selfexistent might be the most difficult part of doing arts - something that isn't just a rigid thing but an entity of itself. Our goal is to bear something upon our technical possibilities without involving any other entity's energy. Our selfexistent entity should be made up of dead matter and brought to life by technical components which interact with their surrounding and make decisions based on observations which are being analyzed and torn through programs to calculate potential procedures. It should not be limited to its current level of experience. To remain state-of-the-art, apprehension and intelligence are indispensable capabilities our entity should be able to make use of. The needed technology is basically built on coincidental scientific observations which have been analyzed, processed and at best industrialized. This only works on repetitive or - even better - repeatable processes, because otherwise an industrialization would make no sense. As a result nature is being squeezed into our own pattern of predictability. But there is a fundamental problem: intelligence cannot be satisfied with predictability. Entities bound to programs are always waiting for known and already categorized input. They cannot handle yet unknown impressions or re-categorize them. Intelligence is beyond predictability - it deals with the unknown and tries to integrate it into the limited and predictable world, of which itself is - and will always be - part. We have to ask ourself: will it ever be possible? And is it worth it all?

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