• Digital

Churro Vs. Crow

  • Cat No: NYCT7067D1
  • Release: 2020-10-30
  • updated:


digital 220 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Names You Can Trust presents the first of two up-and-coming acts in the blossoming Latin music scene of the Pacific Northwest. From Seattle via Argentina and Miami is Terror/Cactus, a futuristic electronic cumbia project from musician Martín Selasco. Selasco’s machine-forward audio/visual performances combine a mixture of bugged out digital folklore, live percussion and the omnipresent sounds inspired by the canon of South American chicha concoctions. That balance is on display in the group’s debut vinyl release “Churro vs Crow.” A field recording of a Mexico City street scene playfully intermingles with the track’s heavy production, an innocuous battle between a crow and a churro vendor breathes a little outdoor analog into an avant digital landscape.

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