• Digital

Sin Miedo / Eat Us Up (Barnaby Bruce Remixes)

  • Cat No: PACD001
  • Release: 2017-09-04
  • updated:


digital 460 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

This is the first in a series of occasional digital-only releases we'll put out between records, and features two remixes from Barnaby Bruce.

Kicking things off is a pulsating version of a lesser-known tune by 70s synth/fusion pioneer 'Raj Nemmah'. Slowed down considerably from the original, and with added bass, drums, pads, conga and bongo, this gradually transforms from a mesmerising arpeggio into a scintillating synth solo and percussion workout.

Next up is a throbbing rework of a track from Devonian band Cave Mouth - cryptic life advice transported in a disco-rock chug.

What people are saying:

"Love Sin Miedo. Will give it an airing this weekend."
- Coyote

"EAT US UP FOR ME! A right filthy discoid beast that wanders the city streets at nights...yes please! x"
- Dicky Trisco

"Excellent remixes! Sin Miedo (Barnaby Bruce remix) is my fav i think. really enjoying them both!"
- The Beat Broker (Dream Chimney)

"I've been really getting into these, they sound great. I think the Cave Mouth one is my favourite - I'll give them a play out this weekend!"
- Max Essa (Jansen Jardin, Is It Balearic?)

Two driving, mid-tempo oddities, ready for your consumption and delight!

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