• Digital

Treasure Mind / U.R

  • Cat No: SOUL7034
  • Release: 2013-12-23
  • updated:


digital 420 JPY

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

This is a 70s Masterpiece out of Austin Texas is grail of the highest order, the perfect fusion of Classic Soul and Disco. An original copy never sells for less than 4 figures due to rarity, quality and demand. Coveted by Northern Soul, Rare Disco, Modern Soul D.Js equally means demand has always been stratospheric . At long last (and after many attempts) we are finally able to bring this grail to you legitimately in high quality. I imagine this will be a huge investment peace but we would rather it was out there getting plays so buy a couple, they won't be around long.

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