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All Depends On You / I Put My Trust

  • Cat No: W-710
  • updated:2024-12-30


12inch ---- JPY

Basic ChannelによるWackie'sリイシュー。オリジナルは1983年リリース。リマスター再発。

Jah Batta達のバンドJezzreelの名曲。フレッシュ・ヴォーカル&コーラス、ロックステディーっぽいメロディ、ワンドロップのグルーヴ、デジタル感、WACKIE'Sのユニーク音響ワーク、パーカッションが不思議な感じ、絶妙。 (サイトウ)

"All Depends On You" is an intimate, spare do-over of the Spiderman rhythm which Yellowman and Fathead were smashing at the time with Operation Eradication: eight-and-a-half-minutes of yearning and pleading, generously dosed with the vocal stylings of the original Night Nurse himself. "I Put My Trust" swaps religion for amorous devotion: musically, it is more characteristically Wackies, reverberating but crisp as a biscuit, stepping but spaced-out. Neither track appears on the LP, Great Jah Jah.

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