• 10inch
  • Digital

Firecracker EP2

  • Cat No: NT012
  • Release: 2020-02-21
  • updated:


Digital 880 JPY


'05年リリース作。LINKWOODがPAL JOEYにオマージュしたような作品で、跳ねたビートのファンキーなトラックにジャズをカットアップした”What's Up With The Underground?”(sample3)!TRUSMEにも参加するFUDGE FINGASは、MOODYMANNフォロワーなディープハウス”Escape”。LINKWOODのCOMPLAINERS名義でのラフなズンドコビートに軋むようなシンセの上で謎のナレーション・サンプル曲(sample2)も、とあるミックスCDでも聞き覚えありましたね。 () (10inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Between the three artists involved here, Linkwood, Fudge Fingas and Bacon Rolls, are enough ideas, samples and restless dancefloor energy to fuel a small city if only someone could work out a way to harness such a thing. If you've heard the other two 10"s in the series you'll know what to expect, if not, it's probably the most potent brew of funk, soul, disco, house and even electro this side of Moodymann and has rightfully found a spot in the box of everyone from Gilles Peterson to Derrick May since it's initial release in 2005

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