• 12inch
  • Digital

2016 / 1986 EP

  • Cat No: Fragile001
  • Release: 2016-06-24
  • updated:


Digital 1000 JPY

昨年、国立近代美術館で2ヶ月間に渡って開催された大規模な回顧展「Your Body is Yours」も素晴らしかった、ドイツとロンドンを拠点に活動してきた現代モダンアートを代表する写真家・WOLFGANG TILLMANSの初のヴァイナル作品がリリース!

90年代初頭よりクラブカルチャーを切り取ったスナップを『i-D』誌などで掲載したことで知られ、概念の枠を越える斬新なアイデアと類を見ない深い洞察力と芸術性が評価され’00年にターナー賞を受賞、近年ではベルクハインのマンスリー・ペーパーや〈OSTGUT TON〉の"Zehn"のボックスセットなどのデザインを手掛けるなど、古くからテクノカルチャーと密接な関わりを持つWOLFGANG TILLMANSが26年振りに音楽活動を再開、まさかのレコード作品を発表。地元・レムシャイトの友人・バート=レスマンと18の時に組んでいたというポストパンク〜コールドウェイヴの流れを汲む'86年幻のの秘蔵音源(!)3トラックに加え、ハイデルベルグ社の印刷機"Speedmaster XL"の音をサンプリングしたという、ユニークでシニカルな自らのヴォーカルをのせた最新ハウストラック”Make It Up As You Go Along”(sample1)までの、全5トラックのEP! () (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

How to introduce the first record by Wolfgang Tillmans? Now considered one of the most significant visual artists working today, his very first passion in life lay with music. This record features on its B-side three songs recorded in 1986 in his home town of Remscheid. The A-side features two pieces recorded in 2015/2016. The 29-year gap in between were marked by Tillmans exploring music, pop and club culture from many different angles.
'Make It Up As You Go Along' is a pulsing dance track based on the recordings of a book printing press in a factory in Stuttgart. Morphed through various production stages, the press's syncopations and his Tillmans' serendipitouspenditous vocals merge into an intoxicating track that could become a summer festival early a.m. favourite. 'Triangle / Gong / What' is an experimental offering made up ofwhich combines the sounds of playing a special alloy triangle, a 999 fine gold gong and a vocal, fused through a particular gain manipulation during the recording process.
The 1986 side features three songs which Tillmans wrote and recorded with collaborator Bert Leßmann. A single channel recording from the rehearsal room was all he had from back in the day. With the help of Tim and Klaus Knapp the recordings were filtered and eq'ed and then supported with precise reconstructions of the original instruments. Out of this production process spanning 30 years a unique time capsule emerged, which portraits a small town teenager with some ambition. 'Time Flows All Over' is a haunting reminiscence of the angst and energy of the mid-1980s, infused with surprising contemporary relevance.

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