• 12inch
  • Digital


  • Cat No: Smallville52
  • Release: 2017-10-13
  • updated:


Digital 690 JPY

ベテラン・MOVE Dと台北を拠点に活動しているBORIS OCRAMとB.B.の3人組ユニット・L'AMOUR FOU、<SMALLVILLE>から待望の単独デヴューシングルをリリース!

ハンブルグの人気レーベル〈SMALLVILLE〉の最新コンピレーション「PSYCHIC ADVISOR」に収録されていた”Monkeys On My Roof”が最高だったスペシャル・ジョイント・プロジェクト・L'AMOUR FOUが遂に登場です!流石のエレガントそしてフィジカルなスモーキーさが燻し銀な全3トラック。 () (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Due to thyphoon Dujuan, Move D and his friends Benoit Bouquin aka Initials B.B. & Marco Wollenberg were trapped in the studio for a few days, when David visited Taipei in 2015 to play Corner Club. All the flights to and from the island were cancelled during the storm, so the three had some extended studio- and red-wine sessions. Looking back from now- these were all worth it and the best thing that could happen- 3 hazy and timeless cuts from the eye of Dujuan.

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