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Bistro Baggio
Xcpt Music
- Cat No: XM003
- updated:2018-08-14
アブストラクトな電子音に、シャープなリズミック・ビート。かっこいい「Paneth」筆頭にレーベル主宰のNOTHUSのリミックスも収録した4 TRACKS EP。
After hosting Farron to perform for a showcase in Matera, South Italy, and following a solid, immediate aural connection with the crew, XCPT now invites the Bavaria-based artist and Shaw Cuts shaolin master to submerse himself in his talent of wielding harmonious synths, championing percussion and corruptive basslines for the label's third release, 'Bistro Baggio'. The release offers three original cuts plus an interpretation of one of the tracks, 'Paneth', by label honcho Nothus, exploring calculated rhythms and sounds that delve into varying atmospheres and transporting you from a blacked-out club to a quaint starlit stream in the woods.
ドイツ、バイエルンにて自身のレーベル〈SHAW CUTS〉を拠点に〈FORBIDDEN PLANET〉等からもリリースしているFARRONがイタリアの〈XCPT MUSIC〉から12インチ。 (サイトウ)