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- New Release
O Yama O
- Cat No: MANA 7
- updated:2018-11-14
当店でもマスターピースなTHE FLYING LIZARDSでも知られるレジェンドDAVID CUNNINGHAMプロデュースによる日本人アーチストデュオ。ロンドンのユニークな実験音楽のホットスポットCAFE OTO周辺。
Rie Nakajima (left) and Keiko Yamamoto performing at Wysing festival
O YAMA O explores a certain domestic and democratic quality of everyday life, born through associations to folk music of Japan and a folding of myth, tradition, and routine; the non-spectacular and the sublime.
Formed of musician and artist Rie Nakajima and Cafe OTO co-founder Keiko Yamamoto, the group has performed since 2014 at venues and festivals such as noshowspace, Ikon Gallery, Wysing Arts Centre, Supernormal, Borealis Festival, Mayhem, and allEars Festival.
Nakajima's performance often focuses on the use of found and kinetic objects, using modest items such as rice bowls, toys, clockwork, balloons and small motors as instruments to create a "micro orchestra". Elements are layered into impressive and immersive atmospheres. Yamamoto alternatively floats and charges through this with body and voice; chanting, incanting, thundering, whispering, stamping on the floor.
Their debut album consolidates their musical conversations into keenly paced studio music, the duo working with additional instrumentation and a resolved focus on melody to provide vivid portraits of folkloric Japan in song.
They move between pop and the philosophical, defined by the overall space afforded to texture and movement. In small, delicate sound an intimate musical climate is established that reflects on life, telling stories of improvised clockwork, whispered dreams, small movements of the hand and the rhythm to be found in the shuffle of a deck of cards.
Grandly theatric and dramatic flourishes add solidity to these illustrations, operas driven by the swooping energy and power of Yamamoto's voice can be playful or emotionally charged, particularly when the duo arrange themselves in ensemble with violinist Billy Steiger and percussionist Marie Roux. Production by David Cunningham creates the shadowy presence of a leftfield Flying Lizards dubwise depth that adds subtle strangeness to the atmosphere. The result is something raw, full-bodied; full of energy, grace and mystery.
O YAMA O explores a certain domestic and democratic quality of everyday life, born through associations to folk music of Japan and a folding of myth, tradition, and routine; the non-spectacular and the sublime.
Formed of musician and artist Rie Nakajima and Cafe OTO co-founder Keiko Yamamoto, the group has performed since 2014 at venues and festivals such as noshowspace, Ikon Gallery, Wysing Arts Centre, Supernormal, Borealis Festival, Mayhem, and allEars Festival.
Nakajima's performance often focuses on the use of found and kinetic objects, using modest items such as rice bowls, toys, clockwork, balloons and small motors as instruments to create a "micro orchestra". Elements are layered into impressive and immersive atmospheres. Yamamoto alternatively floats and charges through this with body and voice; chanting, incanting, thundering, whispering, stamping on the floor.
Their debut album consolidates their musical conversations into keenly paced studio music, the duo working with additional instrumentation and a resolved focus on melody to provide vivid portraits of folkloric Japan in song.
They move between pop and the philosophical, defined by the overall space afforded to texture and movement. In small, delicate sound an intimate musical climate is established that reflects on life, telling stories of improvised clockwork, whispered dreams, small movements of the hand and the rhythm to be found in the shuffle of a deck of cards.
Grandly theatric and dramatic flourishes add solidity to these illustrations, operas driven by the swooping energy and power of Yamamoto's voice can be playful or emotionally charged, particularly when the duo arrange themselves in ensemble with violinist Billy Steiger and percussionist Marie Roux. Production by David Cunningham creates the shadowy presence of a leftfield Flying Lizards dubwise depth that adds subtle strangeness to the atmosphere. The result is something raw, full-bodied; full of energy, grace and mystery.
茶碗や時計などのユニークな素材に動力をつけたおもちゃのようなカスタムメイドの自動装置を使った演奏、インスタレーションを行い、SAKATA AKIRAやDAVID TOOPとも共演しているイギリス在住のアーチストRIE NAKAJIMAと、ロンドンのアンダーグラウンド・ミュージック、フリージャズ、即興音楽、電子音楽等々の実験音楽のホットスポットCAFE OTOの創設者の1人KEIKO YAMAMOTOの2人によるプロジェクトO YAMA Oのアルバムがリリースされました。先鋭的なアーチスト達によるミックス・アーカイヴBLOWING UP THE WORKSHOPを運営するMATTHEW KENTとTHE BRITISH LIBRARY SOUND ARCHIVEのキュレーターANDREA ZARZAが運営するレーベルMANAから。日本の民謡、童謡や伝統音楽の要素を取り込みながらエキセントリックな音と、言葉、不思議な世界を作り上げています。 (サイトウ)