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Happy People

  • Cat No: JAMWAXLP06
  • updated:2023-02-21


LP 3650 JPY


ブロードウェイ等で可尽くした母とともに世界を回り、80年代前半にレゲエグループのKALIBAやジャズロックのTRUBO、「Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life」やMADONNAの「Holiday」のカバーでヒットを飛ばす南アフリカの女性シンガーMARGINOことKim Kallieの1985年のアルバムを再発。イギリス、アメリカに渡り後にグラミー賞に輝くケープタウン生まれ黒人シンガーJonathan Butlerがプロデュース、シンセサイザー、ドラムマシーンはAttie Van Wyk。シンセサイザーサウンドが席巻し出したUSの80sサウンドMADONNA + JOHN"JELLYBEAN"BENITEZあたりの感じを受け継ぐシンセサイザー・サウンドの素晴らしさ、愛らしいヴォーカル、ブギー、ディスコ、ポップ。 (サイトウ)

Margino (real name Kim Kallie) is a South African artist. She recorded her first song at the age of eight, when she performed ''Montreal'' with her mother Judy Page. She sang with the reggae group Kariba and jazz rock outfit Turbo in the early 80's, and later did backing vocals for Future and others. She first shot to fame as a solo star with a version of ''Holiday'' (written by Lisa Stevens and Curtis Hudson, credited as Cathy Hudson), which was released at the same time as Madonna's version. Margino also had a hit in 1983 with a cover of In-Deep's ''Last Night a DJ Saved My Life'', that went to #16 on the South African Top 30 and charted for 10 weeks. She now runs a Performance Academy from her studio, and continues to perform on stage at events around Cape Town.

Recorded at RPM Recording Studios (Johannesburg, South Africa) in 1985, ''Happy People '' is a flawless album with dancefloor hits such as ''Happy People'', ''I'm Getting Out'' and ''One Hot Night'' and downtempo tunes such as ''You Turn Me On'', ''You Need A Woman'' and ''You''. All rhythm tracks were played by Attie Van Wyk (Keyboards, Synthesizer, Drum Machine) and Danny Bridgens (Guitar). The full album is a cream of boogie funk, disco and pop. For this reissue, Jamwax took the pleasure to remaster the sound from the original tape. The artwork was also remake with Andy Warhol ''Marilyn Monroe'' pop art style, for your eyes pleasure.

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