• 12inch
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  • Cat No: MIR013
  • updated:2019-09-01


12inch 1590 JPY

ケルンのレフトフィールド・ディスコ、プログレッシヴハウスJULIAN STETTER。SONNS(ESP Institute/Kompakt) とプレビューで話題を読んでいるMATT KARMILのリミックスです。

〈HUMMING RECORDS〉からのデュオVIMESの一人、〈CORRESPONDANT〉,〈PINN〉からリリースしているケルンのJULIAN STETTERが〈MIREIA〉から新作リリース。A-SIDEはオリジナル2曲。シンセサイザー・エレクトロニクスの電磁的ねじれの増幅音色のサイケデリック・ディープハウス。ダブステッパーズをベースにしたようなボトム、イリュージョニック、作り込まれた音色、音響効果のドリーミーなMATT KARMIL(sample1)、ESP InstituteやKOMPAKTでリリースするLAのSONNは、クラウトロックのようなグルーヴ、 (サイトウ)

You’ve probably crossed paths with Julian in the last couple of years. Not only because he’s the tallest guy in Cologne, but the producer and DJ has been actively shaping modern dance music with his flourishing, melancholic sound. He’s been releasing music with Permanent Vacation, Kompakt, Correspondent and hometown labels Ancient Future Now and PNN. It’s also not his first time on Mireia Records. Remember the beautiful “Porto” on “We’ll Sea Pt.1?” Here, Julian presents two original tracks which are reinterpreted by SONNS and Matt Karmil. The title track “ Sensual ” manages to erase the mundane, the world’s vanishing around you. It’s pitched shaker and airy bells evoke introspective tones. The bassline on the other hand keep you steady - the dancefloor is still visible through the clouds! “ Rumors ” picks up the pace. Kick drum and syncopated hi-hats set the stage for a serious bassline, interwoven with fleeting melodies. Bright and euphoric brushstrokes from Julian’s synth elevate the pace and catapult the track towards a crescendo. Booming snares signal the peak. New Release Information Strobe lights, sweat and ecstasy. SONNS opens up the B side with the first remix by whispering “ Rumors ” in your ear. A brooding bass line takes you on a trip to the dark corners of the city. Hypnotically chugging toms highlight the sights. Let’s get lost tonight! With his releases on Kompakt and strong DJ Sets SONNS’ been a long time favored entrant into Mireia Record’s catalogue. Matt Karmil’s version of ‘Sensual’, although on B2 of the vinyl, doesn’t hide its assets. Kicking off with frantic high hats and a distorted glitch, he pushes the track forwards intriguingly. Arpe

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