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Joy O
Hinge Finger
- Cat No: HINF8682
- updated:2019-11-27
〈HINGER FINGER〉からJOY Oの新作到着しています。複合変拍子で疾走する「Burn」で幕開け、オブスキュアなモダンエレクトロニック・ソウル「Under」へと続く6編からなるEP。
‘Slipping’ a new EP by me is up next on Hinge Finger. This one was a bit of a transitional record for me, personally and musically. it paints quite a vivid picture in my head that I hope you’ll enjoy, summer in my studio with two of London's finest, @mansurbrownmusic & @keyahblu and a snapshot of winter in New York with @4everinfinite_ . Oh and a bit of autumn with dad too!
The cover is a picture of my nan in London taken some time in the 70’s, lovely right? This photo really makes me smile, my mum summed it up the best tho - ‘washing on the line, empty pond and my mum doing the three things she loved the most. sunbathing, smoking and a glass of something’. There’s clearly a lot to learn here (get pissed in the garden more?) but i see it as a reminder to make the most of what you have.
The cover is a picture of my nan in London taken some time in the 70’s, lovely right? This photo really makes me smile, my mum summed it up the best tho - ‘washing on the line, empty pond and my mum doing the three things she loved the most. sunbathing, smoking and a glass of something’. There’s clearly a lot to learn here (get pissed in the garden more?) but i see it as a reminder to make the most of what you have.
JOY ORBISON改JOY O自身を中心にMADTEO,MIX MUP、BLAWAN、BARNT等々UKのベース/RAWテクノ以降のミックスカルチャーを提示してきたJOY ORBISONとWLL BANKHEAD (THE TRILOGY TAPES)がオペレートする〈HINGE FINGER〉から新作リリース!高濃度のトライバル・リズム&ベース空間のキラーダンストラック「Burn」で幕開け、LOW&RAW、オブスキュアなサウンドをシームレスに展開していく6 tracks。Infinite a.k.a. Desmond Francis、サウス・ロンドンのMC Keyah/Blu、Black Focusからのアルバムも素晴らしかったギタリストMANSUR BROWNが参加。スモーキーベース&ソウル。 (サイトウ)