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Night Ride
Future Vision World
- Cat No: FVW009
- updated:2021-12-20
自ら育った80年代という時代背景にさかのぼる記憶からのインスピレーションをアウトプットしたRON TRENTによるニュープロジェクト「WARM」!旧くはATLANTISというユニットで組んだGIANT STEP NYCのギタリスト・JONATHAN MARONもゲストに、自らキーボードやドラム、ギターをプレイした3トラック。
DJ Spinna: "Different but totally dope! Glad to see Ron stepping out of his ever so consistent box!"
Volcov: "This is AMAZING all around…."
Global Roots (Worldwide FM): "Ron Trent still introducing us to the future."
“Growing up in the 80’s opened doors to the imagination. Like many of us, I watched a lot of music videos just when cable television was on the rise. It introduced me to a new way of storytelling – and because of that, I’ve always liked the idea of cinematic concepts and visual movement.” Ron Trent’s 30+ year oeuvre has encompassed many genres of dance music with a signature, cinematic sound – organic, powerful, and emotive. His new EP WARM treads surprising territories, which to the listener may encompass unexpected influences, while maintaining that sense of space and narrative.
Balearic opener On A Journey feels equal parts Cluster and Yo La Tengo, with cosmic guitars and elastic bass entwining around a strutting drum line, while closer Exhale is a slow, heavy number with New Age and soft rock overtones, pairing natural percussion with subdued bass and deep, emotive guitar. Night Ride has the most familiar sound to listeners – those piano lines, synths, chord progressions, and earthy vocal refrains and percussion – sounding like a long lost production finally seeing the light of day.
Listeners may wonder “This is Ron Trent?” – and upcoming works are bound to also provoke this question; works that are dreamed up and created by one of the most unique and important figures in dance music. Whatever direction Ron Trent may take, what he makes will always be something special.
Volcov: "This is AMAZING all around…."
Global Roots (Worldwide FM): "Ron Trent still introducing us to the future."
“Growing up in the 80’s opened doors to the imagination. Like many of us, I watched a lot of music videos just when cable television was on the rise. It introduced me to a new way of storytelling – and because of that, I’ve always liked the idea of cinematic concepts and visual movement.” Ron Trent’s 30+ year oeuvre has encompassed many genres of dance music with a signature, cinematic sound – organic, powerful, and emotive. His new EP WARM treads surprising territories, which to the listener may encompass unexpected influences, while maintaining that sense of space and narrative.
Balearic opener On A Journey feels equal parts Cluster and Yo La Tengo, with cosmic guitars and elastic bass entwining around a strutting drum line, while closer Exhale is a slow, heavy number with New Age and soft rock overtones, pairing natural percussion with subdued bass and deep, emotive guitar. Night Ride has the most familiar sound to listeners – those piano lines, synths, chord progressions, and earthy vocal refrains and percussion – sounding like a long lost production finally seeing the light of day.
Listeners may wonder “This is Ron Trent?” – and upcoming works are bound to also provoke this question; works that are dreamed up and created by one of the most unique and important figures in dance music. Whatever direction Ron Trent may take, what he makes will always be something special.
THE ITやMR. YTといったベテランのフックアップや、A BAND CALLED FLASHのスマッシュヒットでお馴染み、シカゴ・レジェンダリー・RON TRENTの<FUTURE VISION WORLD>の最新カタログ。これまでのロントレント作品とは一線を画すように、楽曲のアレンジやメロディの1つ1つが本人によってオーガニックかつミュージカルな演奏で展開されたブギーなタイトルトラック”Night Ride”(sample1)や、アーバンでブルージーなダウンビート”On A Journey”(sample2)、そしてやはりの<FUTURE VISION>節で締めくくるJONATHAN MARONをフィーチャーした、スペース・ブラジリアンな”Exhale”(sample3)。DJ SPINNAやVOLCOVら絶賛する1枚。