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Sierra Madre

  • Cat No: BORNEO 009
  • updated:2020-02-10


12inch ---- JPY

ストックホルム〜ベルリンのカセット・レーベル〈LATE NIGHT CITY TRACKS〉のDJ CITYが2018年の〈BORN FREE〉からのEP以来のニューシングル。

メンズビューティーなユニーク・アートフォームと、アナログなシンセサイザー・ミュージックをカセットテープで送り出してきた〈LATE NIGHT CITY TRACKS〉主宰のJOHAN NORLING、DJ CITYのニューシングル。FADERを中心にPROFESSOR GENIUSやSAMO DJも絡んできたロッテルダムのレーベルBORNEO RECORDSからのリリースです。A-SIDEは、レコードのスクラッチノイズのような音も交えながら、ミニマルなヴィンテージなアシッド+リズムマシーン・グルーヴ。音楽的こだわりがじっくり。じわっと滲み出る好作。B-SIDEは、流線型のあとモスフェリック・シンセサイザー、ハンマービートっぽいグルーヴに、パーカッション、ドラムのダブや電話のカンバーゼージョンなんかもレイヤーされていきます。 (サイトウ)

Borneo Records welcomes Swedish made, Berlin based DJ City to the family!

As a fairly fresh face to the European dance music scene, involved with renowned musical outlets like Cocktail d’Amore and Born Free, DJ City has been turning heads with his playful and energetic style.

For Borneo’s ninth release DJ City delivers two deep dance floor cuts, referencing and paying hommage to his childhood idols, craftily combining well known building blocks into future classics.

”Sierra Madre” is a warm and deep dive into the aesthetics of the late 90s electronic music scene, balancing between lush pads and low bit rates. Steadily it progresses as the loops unfold and evolve into an ambient landscape of clear peaks and valleys. Dreamy and suggestive without becoming too literal or camp, it invites its listener to let the mind wander during the course of the dance.

On the flip side, “5426261” is a more playful feature as its percussion and somewhat off tune melodies roll out. The texture is light and invites its listener to venture in thought to an imaginary Mediterranean location right before dawn. The enigmatic title is repeated in a sample towards the end, implicating it is a phone number. Who are you trying to reach?

Written & produced by J. Norling, 2016-2018, Örebro/Berlin. Artwork by Nicole Martens. Borneo Records Rotterdam 2020.

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