• 12inch
  • Digital

Come Together

  • Cat No: BSR028
  • Release: 2020-03-13
  • updated:


Digital 1100 JPY

SLEEP D率いる<BUTTER SESSIONS>から久々となるコンピレーション、国内外のネットワークをフィドバックした5アクトをフィーチャリングした”COME TOGETHER”がリリース!

フィレンチェを拠点に<OPTIMO>や<ROLLOVER MILANO>の”Anything Goes”シリーズにも参加してきた、妖しいマスクベールを纏ったパフォーマンスで惹きつけるフィーメールアクト・MATISAによる、ひとたびプレイすればフロアの熱量もギア・トップに、キネティックでレイヴィーなリフが中毒性のある開放感に満ちたブレイクで昇天必至の”Gabardine”(sample1)、メルボルンの4ピース・エレクトロニックバンド・POLITOによるクレイジーなテクノ・ポリフォニック”Wallis Axiom”(sample2)がマッシヴなAサイド。NJのテンガロンハット奇才・PHYSICAL THERAPYに、<SHOT OF T>や<PLUIE/NOIR>からリリースしたファビオことYUZO IWATA、ラストにはアボリジニー民間信仰の架空動物・SERPENTをなのるミステリアスアクトによる”In The Grass”(sample3)など、充実の内容です。 () (12inchのコメントから参照)

Track List

24bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]

Welcoming, 'Come Together' - a five track various artists EP drawn from our network of associates locally and internationally. With artists hailing from Japan, Italy, the USA and Australia the 12" features the sounds that bring our families together on dance floors around the globe.Italy’s Matisa opens the record with a designer italo-house trip “Garbadine”, armed with punchy drums, a warped guitar loop and hypnotic bass line. Melbourne group Polito’s “Wallis Axiom” juxtaposes this with a guttural, gurgling outsider-techno piece. Frenetic percs and crunchy distortion collide with alien FX and bleepy modular synthesis for a dark journey.On the flip, New York City master producer Physical Therapy jumps into the deep end with “10000% Pure Love”, a raw, hard hitting club weapon. The Allergy Season boss distils the pure, unbridled energy of a sweaty dance floor through a woozy bassline and manic cowbell action. Slowing the pace slightly, Berlin via Japan producer Yuzo Iwata delivers “Acid House” a rugged, growling beast which trips and chugs along as a monstrous 303 weaves in an out of the penetrating vocals “ACID HOUSE”. The mysterious Serpent finishes you off with “In The Garden” a syncopated drum workout imbued with a ritualist, primitive energy by the heavily layered percussion and flickering synths.

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