• 12inch
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Cash Maniac / Pennywise

  • Cat No: CC#98
  • updated:2020-07-12


12inch ---- JPY

PSYCHIC MIRRORS周辺、マイアミのモダン・ファンクシーン最良のサウンド。マイアミのGANGSTER GROOVE AMERICAでのJR. WILLIAMSとのセッション。

モダンファンクシーンPSYCHIC MIRRORS等で活動したMICKEY DE GRAND IV主宰。このシングルでCOSMIC CHRONICは10年の歴史を閉じ、新たなフェイズへと展開することを発表しています。 (サイトウ)

The final offering from producer Mickey De Grand IV for his legendary imprint Cosmic Chronic. It's been almost 5 years since we have heard anything from the label aside from rumors of reissues of their coveted classics. Mickey announced the end of Cosmic Chronic to focus on new sounds and a new label, and wrapped the final session at Gangster Groove America (Miami, FL) with Junior Williams "Pennywise" in 2019. Another timeless funk anthem to close out their decade long reign.

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