• 12inch
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  • Cat No: GBR026
  • updated:2020-06-04


12inch ---- JPY

密林パーカッションブレイクス、民謡・ミーツ・パンキッシュディスコ、低速コズミックトライバルチューン、、胸が高鳴る音が詰まった一枚が届きました!BASSO主宰〈GLOWING BIN〉のオフシュートライン〈GLOWING ”P”IN〉の新作は民族打楽器で描き出すディスコサウンド。

OPTIMO片割れのJD TWITCHやWOLF MULLER & NIKLAS WANDTらの手によって数々の名作が生み出されてきた〈GLOWING PIN〉から心待ちなニューリリース!未だ正体は明らかになっていないインプログループ”LILLIPULU”による一枚。荒れ狂う電子音と、ゴングやシェイカーなどの多種民族打楽器ミックスされたA1(sample2)。ディスコティークなボトムラインに重なるのはオリエンタルヴォーカルの(sample1)。民族打楽器で刻んだブギービートにコズミックシンセをぶつけた(sample3)など、ズルい音の組み合わせを連発。その名の通り「FOUR AMAZING TRACKS」。もちろん推薦させていただきます!バイナルオンリー。 (Akie)

Impromptu muscovite supergroup Lilipulu turn the needle neon with a quartet of unexpected killers for club cosmonauts, rainforest ravers, anxious insomniacs and giddy punks.

Unplanned, inspired and all the way live – the pin is glowing! Ever wondered why the Growing Bin releases sound so damn good? Well, it has more than a little to do with mastering magician Sergey Luginin, whose eagle-ears and technical know how have been a part of the process since GBR002. For the latest Glowing Pin powerplay, our man in Moscow joins some close friends on the other side of the console, letting the creative juices flow for ‘Four Amazing Tracks’. Luring Simple Symmetry brothers Sasha & Sergey and DJ & photographer Ivan Pustovalov into his studio with the promise of an afternoon stroll through the nearby Elk Forest, Sergey set the circuitry in motion and the quartet got lost in music. What begin with a plan for some simple edits and a woodland walk quickly became a full scale studio throw down, reimagining forgotten favourites amid a multi-instrumental stew of propulsive polyrhythms, low slung bass, cosmic synths and frazzled guitars. There’s techno-tribal hypnosis on the mind bending, brain blending A1, poetic post punk on the angular, janglier A2, outrageous Afro-cosmic on the freaky Floyd-in-Lagos B1 and languid ambience on the lysergic lullaby which closes the set. Recorded as they worked and presented in chronological order, this EP is a triumph of inspiration over perspiration - a snapshot of a moment which will last forever.
Patrick Ryder

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