- 12inch
- Digital
Wolfgang Tillmans
Life Guarding / Growing
- Cat No: Fragile009
- Release: 2020-08-21
- updated:
90年代初頭よりクラブカルチャーを切り取ったスナップを『i-D』誌などで掲載したことで知られ、近年ではベルクハインのマンスリー・ペーパーや〈OSTGUT TON〉の"Zehn"のボックスセットなどのデザインを手掛けるなど、旧くからテクノカルチャーと密接な関わりを持つ世界的フォトグラファー・WOLFGANG TILLMANS、リリースがアナウンスされたアルバムに先駆けての12inchがリリース!
Track List
16bit/44.1khz [wav/flac/aiff/alac/mp3]
'Life Guarding' offers a first glance into an upcoming album by Wolfgang Tillmans. The song finds Tillmans in open waters, lyrically exploring wor(l)ds as they appear like undertows and tie in the listeners by his candid approach to accept whatever the drift throws at him and leaving him exposed at his most vulnerable.
It seems no coincidence that the video Tillmans'shot and directed for the song finds a similar approach to 'liquidity' in visual language. Shifting the lens between micro and macrocosms, collages of body parts, fruit and insects, we find him equally paying attention to the waves of the Atlantic Ocean as well as to the 'same' water in the form of drops, evaporating on a hot kitchen plate.
This current shape of 'Life Guarding', in equal measures upbeat and melancholic, emerged in sessions with Tillmans' long term musical collaborators Tim Knapp and Jay Pluck in early 2019 at Trixx Studios in Berlin, that were further developed and produced by Tim Knapp and Bruno Breitzke.
'Growing' was originally part of Wolfgang Tillmans' sound, light and video installation 'South Tank' at Tate Modern in 2017. This summer finally sees the independent release of this collaboration with the L.A.-based duo Wreck and Reference. The song also features excerpts of Fred Weyrich's lyrics for German singer Alexandra's 1968 hit 'Sehnsucht' (Longing).
'Growing' involved the band placing samples of Tillmans' singing and spoken word over a kick drum-driven techno track made with synthesizers, acoustic drum recordings converted to digital drums, and noisy samples of jangling keys.
It seems no coincidence that the video Tillmans'shot and directed for the song finds a similar approach to 'liquidity' in visual language. Shifting the lens between micro and macrocosms, collages of body parts, fruit and insects, we find him equally paying attention to the waves of the Atlantic Ocean as well as to the 'same' water in the form of drops, evaporating on a hot kitchen plate.
This current shape of 'Life Guarding', in equal measures upbeat and melancholic, emerged in sessions with Tillmans' long term musical collaborators Tim Knapp and Jay Pluck in early 2019 at Trixx Studios in Berlin, that were further developed and produced by Tim Knapp and Bruno Breitzke.
'Growing' was originally part of Wolfgang Tillmans' sound, light and video installation 'South Tank' at Tate Modern in 2017. This summer finally sees the independent release of this collaboration with the L.A.-based duo Wreck and Reference. The song also features excerpts of Fred Weyrich's lyrics for German singer Alexandra's 1968 hit 'Sehnsucht' (Longing).
'Growing' involved the band placing samples of Tillmans' singing and spoken word over a kick drum-driven techno track made with synthesizers, acoustic drum recordings converted to digital drums, and noisy samples of jangling keys.
写真家である自身によるスナップを映像コラージュにまとめたPVも美しい、言葉遊び的なポエット・シンギングと不思議と安堵するメランコリックなソングラインが印象深いAサイド”Life Guarding”(sample1)は、彼の長年のコラヴォレーターであるベルリンの「TRIXX STUDIOS」のエンジニア・TIM KNAPPとED ASKEWの作品にもかかわっているピアノ奏者・JAY PLUCK、BRUNO BREITZKEとの3人によるセッション!そして、’17年にテートモダンで行われたティルマンスのサウンド&ビデオインスタレーション「SOUTH TANK」を元に、ドイツの歌手アレクサンドラの’68年のヒット「SEHNSUCHT」のリリックを引用したというティルマンスの歌とスポークンワードをダイレクト・サンプリングし演奏するロスアンジェルスを拠点に活動するエクスペリメンタル・デュオ・WRECK AND REFERENCEとのコラボレーション、ポップなソングライン〜コードでファンクするエレクトロ・ボディー”Growing”(sample2)もオススメ。 () (12inchのコメントから参照)