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Beads Upon An Abacus

  • Cat No: TTT093
  • Release: 2021-01-26
  • updated:2021-11-15


LP 3550 JPY

知られていなかったアウトサイダーな孤高のアーチストの系譜に新たな天才が発掘。〈THE TRILOGY TAPES〉からスコットランド、アバディーンのカセットレーベル〈LES ENFANTS DU PARADIDDLE〉でリリースを続けたALAN DAVIDSONのプロジェクトKITCHEN CYNICS。右耳と左耳で捉えた音の狭間に産まれる世界。素晴らしいです。推薦!

80年代後半からカセットでもリリースを続けるスコットランド、アバディーンのDIYなエクスペリメンタル・フォークギタリストALAN DAVIDSONのKITCHEN CYNICSをTHE TRILOGY TAPESがアナログ・リリース。BEN UFOやBEATRICE DILLON、WILL BANKHEADとも交流深いサンフランシスコのエクスペリメンタル・テクノアーチストJACK MURPHYがコンパイル。オーバーダブされた即興のエレクトロニック、ギター、ピアノ、声。イマジナリーなサウンドストーリー。 (サイトウ)

Most of the songs were recorded in my flat on cassette or digital four track recorders, although a couple were done in my much-lamented studio above a morgue in The Anatomy Rooms.

Compiled By Jack Murphy.

01. Theme For Gwen
I think I had Gwen John in my head when I did this wee tune… but it might have been my great-auntie Gwen in London who my granny considered rather racy (she drank and swore), but I liked a lot.

02. Dr Guild
Just along the road from my flat there is an old horse drinking-fountain dedicated to this 19th century physician and benefactor.

03. Mistress Forsyth’s Jump
Based loosely on my granny’s tales of her teenage years, and the cold winters living as a farm servant.

04. Holburning
A piano improvisation done with Susan Matthew (high notes) as we looked out onto Hoburn Street one snowy morning.

05. Persian Carpet In Reverse
I liked the idea that Persian carpets always have a deliberate flaw, because nothing should be perfect. I reckoned life was the opposite… mostly flawed, but with occasional perfect bits.

07. Dr MacQueen Feeds The Media Frenzy
In 1964 my city was hit by a typhoid outbreak. Dr Ian MacQueen gave daily updates to the press on deaths and infections. I was happy because the schools were shut.

08. Phosphorous Tenement
A potpourri of words which appeal to me, no more.

09. Bluetit Babies
An instrumental I recorded one afternoon, after seeing baby bluetits sitting in a row on a branch, whilst on my morning walk.

10. Beads Upon An Abacus
About Ada Lovelace, the daughter of Lord Byron. The guitar pattern is played by Jess Yong.

11. The Entrepreneurs
I was getting thoroughly pissed off with Conservative values, and people using and abusing others.

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