- Recommended
Curtain Twitcher (Cassette)
Beat Concern
- Cat No: BC12
- updated:2021-08-13
<U.T.T.U.>や<E-BEAMZ>、HELENA HAUFF、NO MOON、JENSEN INTERCEPTORらが参加するレーベル<MECHATRONICA>などからリリースしてきた、<VIVOD>レーベル主宰のALI RENAUTによる変名・CESTによるRIANによる、Q-CHIPとの<BUNKER>からのスプリット以来となるアルバム作品「Curtain Twitcher」がカセットテープでリリース!
Track List
Cestrian aka Ali Renault is somewhat of a legend at Beat Concern HQ. He has been releasing his brand of dark electro on labels such as Bunker Records / Unknown To The Unknown / Mechatronica as well as running his own amazing labels Vivod and Hearse and has dance music in his blood.
I've known Ali personally and been a fan of his other projects for years before I realised he was responsible for Cestrian too, mind blown! As soon as I'd realised, I reached out and now i'm beyond excited to be releasing these 6 tracks on Beat Concern.
'Curtain Twitcher' veers from dark horror soundtrack vibes, eerie and cold pulses that flow into dark electro bangers, ready for the dance floor or your personal dungeon (your choice).
RIYL if you like your Electro with a dose of Italian Horror soundtracks
I've known Ali personally and been a fan of his other projects for years before I realised he was responsible for Cestrian too, mind blown! As soon as I'd realised, I reached out and now i'm beyond excited to be releasing these 6 tracks on Beat Concern.
'Curtain Twitcher' veers from dark horror soundtrack vibes, eerie and cold pulses that flow into dark electro bangers, ready for the dance floor or your personal dungeon (your choice).
RIYL if you like your Electro with a dose of Italian Horror soundtracks
そのキャリアは<WARP>傘下の<LEX>に始まり、現在、ヴァイナルと一体化した車のスクリーンプリントが印象的、SI BEGGやNEIL LANDSTRUM、DJ OVERDOSEらを擁するベルリンのダーク・エレクトロ専科<HEARSE>レーベルも運営、ヒステリアスなダンジョン・エレクトロから、不穏にせめぎ合うフィードバック・ノイズまで、全6トラックを収録。イメージとは程遠いピンク色のカセットテープ限定リリース!