- LP
- Recommended =
- New Release
Plo Man & C3d-E
public static v.
Acting Press
- Cat No: PRESS1.5
- updated:2021-03-24
ACTING PRESS 2021. 久々の首謀者PLOMAN。 +謎のC3D-E。アンビエント作品。アナログプレス入荷しています。
Track List
A. pt. i - pt. iv
20:47 -
B. pt. vi - pt. x
public static v. is an a/v performance that was written, performed and recorded live by PLO Man & C3D-E at LINECHECK, on 23.11.2019 in milan, italy. it was originally to be released late 2020, but due to delays in the production of the disc, it is now available as one piece in 10 parts.
2019年のミラノのフェスLINECHECKでのライブの録音。NO DIGITALリリース、レーベルサイドではSOLD OUTです。 (サイトウ)