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  • Cat No: WWR001
  • updated:2021-11-09

コロンビア民謡・パジェナートのアコーディオン奏者・MARIANO PEREZ a.k.a. "Bionic Accordionist"と、地元ローカル人気シンガー・HERMAN HERNANDEZの2人を中心に結成されたチャンぺータの伝説的グループ「GRUPO RENACER」の音源アーカイヴ集!アムス発、90年代南米のサウンドシステム・カルチャー発掘に力を注ぐ<WORLDWAX>レーベルの第1弾リリース!

「Native Instruments」制作のドキュメンタリーでも紹介されたサウンドシステム「PICO」の発祥として、デジタル・君ビアなどと同様に'00年以降の若い世代によってデジタル〜エレクトロニック化が進み、ルーツ音楽として再評されている・コロンビアのカリブ沿岸地方発祥の伝統音楽・チャンぺータの歴史において最も重要とされるグループ・GRUPO RENACERが、90〜91年に自主リリースした<MUSICOSTA>レーベルからの2枚の音源を編纂コンパイル、リマスター再発!

New label from Colombia / Amsterdam. Hot!!! Recommended listen : "Rastafara" & "Uhey Le La"

In 1990 at a small recording studio located in the infamous Bazurto market in Cartagena de Indias Colombia, Mariano Perez aka the “bionic accordionist” and Champeta godfather Hernan Hernandez teamed up to create the band Grupo Renacer. These recording sessions would prove to be extremely fruitful culminating in the bands first self-titled album Grupo Renacer - Vol. 1

Ushering a new sound by blending local folkloric rhythms from Colombia’s Caribbean Coast along with strong musical influences and styles from the Greater Caribbean region and Africa the result was a blistering set that included songs like “Rastafara” “Las Amargadas” and the local hit “La Bolsa”.

Capitalizing on their success Mariano Perez went on to record a follow-up album Grupo Renacer Vol 2. Songs like “El Colera” and “Uhey Le La” would further cement Mariano Perez and Hernan Hernandez as legends in the local “pico” aka soundsystem subculture scene that had taken hold of Cartagena and Barranquilla respectively. While both original albums remain elusive and under the radar, Worldwaxrecords has decided to compile in one single album the songs that we feel best represent the work and achievements of Grupo Renacer and the vital role this band has had in shaping Champeta soundsystem culture not only in Colombia but all around the world.

Ironically the word Renacer in Spanish means “rebirth” or to be
“reborn.” We hope that with this timely release we can commemorate the arrival of a new year and the beginning of a new dawn. ( By Sanjay Agarwal)

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