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Rone & Friends

  • Cat No: IF1060LP
  • updated:2021-06-03


LP 2990 JPY

フランス出身エレクトロニックミュージックのプロデューサーとして成功したRONE。Georgia、Yael Naim、Casper Clausen (Efterklang)、Flavien Berger、Jenny Beth、Dominique Aなどの友人たちと作り上げたニューリリース。

パリのシャトレ劇場で1週間にわたって行われた同名のショー、マルセイユ・バレエ団の15人のダンサーとアバンギャルド・ダンス集団「La Horde」との恒久的なコラボレーションの成果として産まれたアルバム。電子音と歌。無垢な世界。ニュートーンにも到着しています。 (サイトウ)

The health crisis in March 2020 forced the closure of the theatre and paralysed the development of this unique show at the crossroads of disciplines, which, up until then, was met with both critical and commercial success. In the following social isolation, Rone felt the need to come closer to his artist friends and to reshuffle his creations with their voices as the new beating heart. The only good thing bound to this pandemic is that they too, deprived of touring and slowed down in the productions of their upcoming albums, found themselves available to infuse their vocal and textual energy into Rone's recent laidback productions.

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