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The Curtis Vodka Ep

  • Cat No: MI-026
  • updated:2022-04-21

ノルウェー発、ブギー、ヒップホップ、ハウス、アート。ミックスカルチャーユニークな作品を送り出しているMUTUAL INTENTIONS。CURTIS VODKAという名義で00年代にゲットハウス、BOOTYな作品を送り出していたアラスカのアーチストだというKURTISSのEP。文明のボーダーラインに影を残す謎めいたアーチスト。

LARRY HEARDやアシッド・オリジネーターたちのサウンドとBOOTYなゲットーハウスをクロスしながら、シー兼ンスのマジック、セクシャルなしなやかさや、現実から離れ、近未来的、宇宙的、空想的世界をもたらす力、ハウス・ミュージックのさまざまな魅力を感じ取れる。7曲で構成された本EPと、「Tributes & Remixes」。遂になった2種同時リリース。 (サイトウ)

Kurtiss is a shadowy and enigmatic figure working on the boundaries of civilization. A sporadic figure on the House music scene with eccentric habits, Kurtiss’ music is a rarified sonic experience for those who seek it out. The American artist is hard to pin down and his music is a tantalizing little secret only for adept diggers who appreciate the style of Hi-Def House music that the artist has cultivated. Although he’s a known Soundcloud fixture, he’s only put out a handful of digital singles as Curtis Vodka in the past, with Mutual Intentions facilitating his latest and immortalizing his music on their next set of releases.

A nomadic artist, who’s worked on music ranging from Ghetto Tech to House, his music has spanned the known musical spectrum, forging uncanny relationships with everything from 50 Cent to Mall Grab. Under the pseudonym Kurtiss (or Curtis Vodka), he’s all about HIGH-Fi House, life, aliens, Jazz and no trends.

It’s an attitude that he lays bare on this rare contribution to the physical, recorded format for Mutual Intentions on ‘The Curtis Vodka EP’. The EP weaves classic House music influences through a penchant for vintage sound machines and arrangements that evoke a solemn air. Elements of Gospel and New York’s deeper inclinations in House music seep through his sound as archived vocal samples and noisy machines give his work its defining character.

Glistening keys and strings that slither through airy textures create dense aural experiences on ‘The Curtis Vodka EP’, calling to mind the musical masterpieces of House music’s golden era when the likes of Kerri Chandler and Masters at Work were producing some of their best work. Kurtiss adopts song-based progressions with melodies and harmonies that resolve through a fantastic sonic emulsion between samples and synthesizers. A specter of a vocal or an artificial birdcall from a loon trapped inside an Emax opens a direct link between Kutiss’ alien obsessions and a dance floor on terra firma, between machine music and the mysticisms of the soul.Curtis Vodka is the artist’s first official release for the best part of a decade, with Mutual Intentions sealing the artist’s distinctive sound in wax with this EP and the accompanying whitelabel.

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