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Concept 1 96 : 12

  • Cat No: 96:12
  • updated:2021-08-20

リッチー・ホーティンが1996年に12インチ、月毎に12枚連続でリリースしたConcept 1 が3LPでリイシュー。

キャリアの中で最も重要な転機だったと自ら語るConcept 1 シリーズからセレクトした3枚組のアナログリイシュー。1996年の1月から12月にかけて1年間、12枚リリースした、年:月 時刻を冠したトラックの実験的なEPシリーズからのセレクトに加えて、未発表のボーナストラック「96:12 00:00」を収録。Eco-Friendly Vinyl。アシッド・フレンドリーなディープテクノ。 (サイトウ)

“This release marked a real shift in my production style in 1996, and was the start of a significant chapter in my recording career. Everything was handled independently from design to distribution to a subscription service to accompany it. Concept 1 was recorded in isolation at a time when I was not allowed to enter the USA and with everything going on in the world at this moment, it felt like the right time to finally release this project to a larger audience. Without the year of experimentation around the recording process of Concept 1 in 1995, I would never have gotten to the reduction that I was able to achieve later on the recording style of Plastikman ‘Consumed’. In that way this is as an important album for me than any of my Plastikman albums.

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