- 7inch
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Alex Fernet
1 2 3 Stella
Peoples Potential Unlimited
- Cat No: PPU-AF-701
- updated:2022-04-18
PEOPLES POTENTIAL UNLIMITEDが贈るイタリアの個性ALEX FERNETのデビュー作!自身の手によるビデオも最高なので是非!
Track List
A. 1 2 3 Stella
B. Tornerai
PPU from way out, coming to you from Bassano del Grappa, near Venice, Italy. “1 2 3 Stella” is the first single by Alex Fernet. It’s about polyamory and unconventional love stories in general, as well as their consequent troubles and difficulties. The setting is ludic and stellar: “1 2 3 Stella” is an italian game and “stella” means star. “Tornerai” is an Italian cover version of “In your Eyes” by Badbadnotgood feat Charlotte Day Wilson. During the Sixties, Italian singers used to cover american soul and beat songs in Italian, not necessarily translating the lyrics. This cover song wants to “recover” that custom and it’s about the regret after a breakup (“tornerai” means “you will come back”).
Publishing for "In Your Eyes" cleared through Harry Fox Agency. Written by BBNG and Charlotte Day Wilson.
Publishing for "In Your Eyes" cleared through Harry Fox Agency. Written by BBNG and Charlotte Day Wilson.
イタリアのヴェネツィア近郊、バッサーノ・デル・グラッパの、音楽シーンに身を置くALEX FERNET。PPUからアナログリリースです。サイケロックをベースにバンドで活動した彼が、昨年、DJ Outbackのセットにギターを片手にセッションしたことから今のブギーディスコなアプローチに繋がっていったとのこと。ポリアモリー(複数恋愛)のラブストリーと苦悩、型破りの愛を光速の星(ステラ)の世界に昇華するカンタトゥーレ・ディスコ。VHSで撮り溜めていた映像を自ら編集したPVもくだらなくて最高。 (サイトウ)