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Lèsprit Ka : New Directions In Music From Guadeloupe 1981-2010
Time Capsule /- Cat No: TC012 / 25SC
- updated:2024-10-22
復刻前線〈TIME CAPSULE〉と〈SÉANCE CENTRE〉による共同リリース!カリブ海の南部にある群島グアドループの伝統音楽”グウォッカ”に焦点をコンピレーションアルバム。1981年から2010年までの楽曲を網羅。シンセサイザーやボーカルチャントの美しいブレンドを差し遂げた独特のサウンドと、20世紀後半にかけて、ファンク、ジャズ、電子音楽の影響を受けて変化するグウォッカサウンドを堪能。推薦。
TIME CAPSULEのタイトル各種を3点以上お買い上げで、レーベルのオリジナル・トートバッグをプレゼント!!
Track List
A1. Dao - Chenn La
A2. Gaouleu Mizik - Sonneu Leukla Sonneu
B1. Emboule Jean - Claude-Enjafann Kann
B3. Thibault Freydy Doressamy - O Fon A Kee An Nou
C1. Michel Laurent - Malta La Mouyeu
C2. Horizon - Ti Malo
C3. Kalindi Ka - Yo
D1. Selekta Ka - Nou Woukou Manseu A Zero
D2. Groupe Beuloka - Menm Chimen-La
Amazing compilation that brings the sounds of Gwo-Ka to a wider audience. A beautiful blend of traditional sounds of the Gwo Ka (French Creole term for big drum) with synthesizer and vocal chants.. Deeply spiritual with sometimes hints of jazz. This music is a timeless reflection of the soul of Guadeloupe. Nice really hard to find tracks spreak over a 2LP with a 4-page colour insert that has linernotes.
As Guadeloupean vocalist and composer Marie-Line Dahomay writes in her liner notes to the compilation, gwoka is more than a style of music, it is “a way of living and thinking.” Rooted in the social, musical and ritual practices of enslaved African people and their descendants on Guadeloupe, gwoka has always sought to express the spirit of independence and resistance authentic to the island.Building on its traditional call-and-response form and the ideas of pivotal figures like Gérard Lockel and Christian Laviso, modern gwoka evolved throughout the second half of the twentieth century to include funk, jazz and electronic influences.
Defined by its propensity for innovation and experimentation, this compilation charts the most radical changes to modern gwoka, capturing a sensory riot of traditional répertoires, rhythms and makè techniques fused with genre-defying experimentation.Whether heard in the deeply cosmic, spiritual music of Dao, Freydy Doressamy and Gaoulé Mizik, or the jazz funk inflections of Gui Konket and Horizon, the music here is united by the feeling of santiman ka, crucial not only to gwoka music but the identity of Guadeloupe at large.
As co-curator Cédric Lassonde (Bueaty & The Beats) writes: “What unifies these selections is the depth of the compositions, the experimentation around the santiman ka, and the spirit of resistance and liberation against slavery, be it modern or ancestral. With a thirst for innovation typical of the island’s creole culture, the ka spirit is deeply rooted in collective history and in a quest for identity.”
Co-curator Brandon Hocura (Séance Centre) continues: “The creative energy of these musicians is powerful and demonstrates a universal pursuit of resistance, freedom and identity. Their voices are distinct, but the chorus rises high and carries their message far across the sea.”
Lèsprit Ka: New Directions in Gwoka Music from Guadeloupe 1981-2010 is the first compilation of its kind to bring the sound of modern gwoka to a wider audience, with many of the featured musicians still active today. Presented as a double LP, the release features a specially commissioned essay by Guadeloupean musician Marie-Line Dahomey, and extensive liner notes from Cédric Lassonde and Séance Centre’s Brandon Hocura.
True to the hybrid nature of the music, the compilation seeks not to provide a definitive sound, but express the variety of contemporary forms that have evolved from gwoka. Just as Guadeloupean trailblazers Kassav fused gwoka with funk and cadence to create zouk, so did the musicians on this collection push gwoka in new directions rarely heard beyond its shores.
In the words of Gérard Lockel, “gwoka is the soul of Guadeloupe”
As Guadeloupean vocalist and composer Marie-Line Dahomay writes in her liner notes to the compilation, gwoka is more than a style of music, it is “a way of living and thinking.” Rooted in the social, musical and ritual practices of enslaved African people and their descendants on Guadeloupe, gwoka has always sought to express the spirit of independence and resistance authentic to the island.Building on its traditional call-and-response form and the ideas of pivotal figures like Gérard Lockel and Christian Laviso, modern gwoka evolved throughout the second half of the twentieth century to include funk, jazz and electronic influences.
Defined by its propensity for innovation and experimentation, this compilation charts the most radical changes to modern gwoka, capturing a sensory riot of traditional répertoires, rhythms and makè techniques fused with genre-defying experimentation.Whether heard in the deeply cosmic, spiritual music of Dao, Freydy Doressamy and Gaoulé Mizik, or the jazz funk inflections of Gui Konket and Horizon, the music here is united by the feeling of santiman ka, crucial not only to gwoka music but the identity of Guadeloupe at large.
As co-curator Cédric Lassonde (Bueaty & The Beats) writes: “What unifies these selections is the depth of the compositions, the experimentation around the santiman ka, and the spirit of resistance and liberation against slavery, be it modern or ancestral. With a thirst for innovation typical of the island’s creole culture, the ka spirit is deeply rooted in collective history and in a quest for identity.”
Co-curator Brandon Hocura (Séance Centre) continues: “The creative energy of these musicians is powerful and demonstrates a universal pursuit of resistance, freedom and identity. Their voices are distinct, but the chorus rises high and carries their message far across the sea.”
Lèsprit Ka: New Directions in Gwoka Music from Guadeloupe 1981-2010 is the first compilation of its kind to bring the sound of modern gwoka to a wider audience, with many of the featured musicians still active today. Presented as a double LP, the release features a specially commissioned essay by Guadeloupean musician Marie-Line Dahomey, and extensive liner notes from Cédric Lassonde and Séance Centre’s Brandon Hocura.
True to the hybrid nature of the music, the compilation seeks not to provide a definitive sound, but express the variety of contemporary forms that have evolved from gwoka. Just as Guadeloupean trailblazers Kassav fused gwoka with funk and cadence to create zouk, so did the musicians on this collection push gwoka in new directions rarely heard beyond its shores.
In the words of Gérard Lockel, “gwoka is the soul of Guadeloupe”
GIGIやGABRIELLE ROTH、日本の島音に至る世界各地のオブスキュアサウンドを発掘してきた〈TIME CAPSULE〉とオブスキュアニューエイジ/エレクトロニックディスコの再発を進めてきた〈SEANCE CENTRE〉という、現代屈指の復刻処が手を組んだ大型プロジェクト「LÈSprit Ka」店着しました!カリブ海に浮かぶ西インド諸島のなかのリーワード諸島の一角をなす島嶼群であり、フランスの海外県であるグアドループにて独自の発展を遂げた音楽ジャンル”グウォッカ”にフィーチャー。グアドループで奴隷にされたアフリカの人々のリズム土壌と、島に本物の独立と抵抗の精神表現、どの時代にも共通してグルーヴィでありながら軽やかなラテン打楽器と美しいハーモニーの共存。DAOやGAOULÉ MIZIKなどの入手困難盤や自主制作盤だけでなく、電子音楽などのジャンル混合を成した現代に近い作品まで収録。レーベルから直入荷しました、この機会に是非!
TIME CAPSULEのタイトル各種を3点以上お買い上げで、レーベルのオリジナル・トートバッグをプレゼント!!
TIME CAPSULEのタイトル各種(LP、7inchなどのフォーマットは問いません)
※ 先着優先で数に限りがございます。ご了承お願いいたします。
※ 終了期限はございませんが、無くなり次第キャンペーンは終了とさせていただきます。 (Akie)