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Nu Genea
Nuova Napoli
Ng Records
- Cat No: NG01LPR
- updated:2025-02-26
ナポリ〈EARLY SOUNDS COLLECTIVE〉の中心人物・MASSIMO DI LENAとLUCIO AQUILINAによるプロジェクト・NU GENEA。トニー・アレンのリコンストラクション作「THE TONY ALLEN EXPERIMENTS」を経て完成させた 2018年リリースのアルバムがリプレス!
Track List
A1. Nuova Napoli
3:38 -
A2. Je Vulesse
4:48 -
A3. Ddoje Facce
4:22 -
B1. Disco Sole
4:24 -
B2. Stann Fore
4:09 -
B3. 'A Voce 'E Napule
3:30 -
B4. Parev' Ajere
Almost 2 years after the success of the album THE TONY ALLEN EXPERIMENTS and a few months after the release of the 7inch AMORE, Nu Genea (Nu Guinea) return to the scene with a new LP published by their newborn label NG RECORDS.
After touring the world looking for sounds suitable for their vibrations, NU GENEA (Nu Guinea) decided to go back to square one, Napoli, where Massimo Di Lena and Lucio Aquilina were born and raised. They watched their city from a distance reconstructing its energy from their studio in Berlin, calibrating the synths on the meridian of Vesuvius, the volcano that has always protected and threatened Napoli.
NUOVA NAPOLI is the result of a long musical research that has become a historical investigation on the sound that shaped Napoli during the ‘70s and ‘80s, starting from the contamination of genres (disco, jazz-funk, African rhythms) which ended up in Nu Genea’s DNA.
In this album the synthesizers fill the spaces between the past and the future, tightening in a single body acoustic instruments, electronics and voices in Neapolitan dialect. It is the first time that the duo has worked with such a large group of musicians, some of whom are exponents of the contemporary Neapolitan scene.
WARNING: We recommend listening to Nuova Napoli while walking in the alleys of Napoli’s historic center, around wet clothes hanging and street vendors on tiny three-wheelers.
After touring the world looking for sounds suitable for their vibrations, NU GENEA (Nu Guinea) decided to go back to square one, Napoli, where Massimo Di Lena and Lucio Aquilina were born and raised. They watched their city from a distance reconstructing its energy from their studio in Berlin, calibrating the synths on the meridian of Vesuvius, the volcano that has always protected and threatened Napoli.
NUOVA NAPOLI is the result of a long musical research that has become a historical investigation on the sound that shaped Napoli during the ‘70s and ‘80s, starting from the contamination of genres (disco, jazz-funk, African rhythms) which ended up in Nu Genea’s DNA.
In this album the synthesizers fill the spaces between the past and the future, tightening in a single body acoustic instruments, electronics and voices in Neapolitan dialect. It is the first time that the duo has worked with such a large group of musicians, some of whom are exponents of the contemporary Neapolitan scene.
WARNING: We recommend listening to Nuova Napoli while walking in the alleys of Napoli’s historic center, around wet clothes hanging and street vendors on tiny three-wheelers.
70年代イタリアのカルトなN.W.男女デュオ・CHRISMAの’76年デヴュー曲”Amore”のカヴァーでスタートさせたセルフレーベル〈NG RECORDS〉設立を機に、ベルリンに自身たちのスタジオ「NG TOWER STUDIOS」を構えレコーディング、SUPERMEGAFUNKINMACHINEのドラマー・ANDREA DE FAZIOやポーランドのサイケデリックバンド・MAのMARIO AGUAZANTAほか多くのセッション・ミュージシャンらを迎えてじっくり制作に時間を費やし創りあげたセカンド・アルバム。1900年代のイタリアの劇作家・エドゥアルド・ デ・フィリッポの詩「Je vulesse truvà pace」を引用した、ライヴのレギュラーメンバーである女性ヴォーカリスト・FABIANA MARTONEのナポリ訛りが愛らしい70'sディスコ・スタイルな「Je Vulesse」や、スムースかつコンテンポラリーなフュージョン・ギターやキーボードが心地よい「Disco Sole」、ラストを締めくくるブラジリアンなヴォーカルとサイケデリック・フュージョンなアナログシンセが織りなすトロピカルブギーな「Parev' Ajere」など、全7曲を収録!DJ HARVEYもピックです。