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Hidden Gem

  • Cat No: MFM060
  • Release: 2022-10-17
  • updated:2025-02-17


LP 3790 JPY

ドリーム・ポップ。詳細があまり明かされないまま、Music From Memory、人気のアーチストとなったThe Zenmenn。デビューアルバムにも参加していたFenster のJOHN MOODSとのダブルネームでのアルバム新作が登場。

MORR MUSIC等からリリースするFensterのメンバーでソロアルバムはすでに中古市場でも高値をつける人気になっている John Moodsとデビューアルバム「Enter The Zenmenn」がベストセラーのThe Zenmennのコラヴォレーション。ポスト・バレアリック、プレファブ・スプラウトやBLUEBOYなどのネオ・アコースティックやシンセサイザー・アンビエントサウンドを受け継ぎながら、甘くて淡いアダルト・オリエンテッドなドリーム・ポップ。 (サイトウ)

'Hidden Gem' is the Zenmenn's first full album produced together with songwriter and vocalist John Moods and follows their much-loved debut record, 'Enter The Zenmenn'. Named after a country song that didn't quite make it to the final selection, 'Hidden Gem' is the result of an extended jam session at a friend’s studio, in a field of mystical meadows somewhere south of Hamburg, in which the band would experience a series of inexplicable phenomena.

It was their earlier collaboration on the future classic, 'Homage To A Friend' that kickstarted their idea to team up with John Moods again, and in the late summer of 2021 the band set to work on a full album of material together. Using The Zenmenn's trusted drum kit, good old DX7, an unusual Ukrainian bass and an almost discarded pedal steel guitar, combined with Moods’ uniquely fragile voice, the outcome resulted in six timeless songs. The resulting harmonic sound is, as the band put it, “something like Adult Oriented Rock with a teaspoon of Celtic sentimentalism, a pinch of big city Country wrapped in a late night '70s style jam”.

'Hidden Gem’, much like their previous LP, was recorded without pre-arranged songs or any fixed musical concept. Instead, it captures fleeting moments of creativity and reflects the joint musical sentiments of the band members at the time. “Some artists are amazing at vision and curating, our work-flow is opposite to that. We are pretty messy and all over the place in our creation, as in life. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but hopefully it comes out all right in the end.”

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