• 7inch
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  • Cat No: ES024
  • updated:2022-11-26


7inch 2450 JPY

オーストラリアのアーリー80s、Efficient Spaceからの「Oz Echoes: DIY Cassettes And Archives 1980​-​1983」でも取り上げられ、80年代のオーストラリアのアンダーグラウンド・ミュージックディガーの間でカルト的なレーベルM SquaredのHeight/Dismayのレア音源復刻!

シドニーのポストパンクPatrick GibsonとDru Jones、Michael Prowse。Severed Headsにも繋がる伝説のレーベルM Squaredからの81年にリリースのためにプレスされるもおプレスに問題があり正規リリースされじまいだったHeight/Dismayの更なるレア音源をEfficient Spaceが限定7インチでリリース。M Squaredのスタジオで録音された長く未発表だった「Blood Pressure In The Sand」、カセットマガジンに提供した「Dusk」、未発表の「The Tinning Test」。 (サイトウ)

Height/Dismay were the M Squared studio-as-instrument duo of Patrick Gibson and Dru Jones. A member of Systematics and Scattered Order, Gibson was an integral part of the M Squared label and studio, where he met Jones. With an unapologetic misuse of instruments and ample time, the two sonic explorers scraped guitar strings, manipulated clarinets, and contact mic’d woks to layer their echo chamber apparitions.

Collating three 1981 recordings, the then-shelved ‘Blood Pressure In The Sand’ joins ‘Dusk’, their contribution to archetypal cassette-zine Fast Forward. Also unreleased, ‘The Tinning Test’ rejects formal lyrics in favour of a deadpan reading from the Australian Standard for tinned copper wire. The outsiders of the outside, these mutual minds’ productions have long been overlooked as crucial pieces of the Australian DIY music puzzle.

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