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The Fellowship

  • Cat No: WV226lp-C1
  • updated:2023-11-03

アンビエント・ジャズ傑作をリリースし続ける、トロントのニュージャズ・サックス奏者 Joseph Shabason 、21年リリースの3rdアルバム、ストックしました!【カラー盤:Sky Blue】

毎作複雑なテーマと向き合うJoseph Shabason。ユダヤ人の両親がシャバソンが生まれる前から所属していた、イスラムの偏狭なコミュニティの名前『The Fellowship』を冠した本作は、そのイスラム教とユダヤ教の二重信仰の思想によって体験した、思春期から現在に至るまでの葛藤や解放に至るまでを、エッセイ的にアウトプット。温かみのあるエレクトロニックや金管楽器、揺らめくエフェクトのサックスなど馴染みの作風ではあるものの、自身の影にもフォーカスされているため「Escape From North York」では、不穏なシンセループから後半にはパーカッションが乱れる演出もあり新鮮です。前作『ANNE』からのファンはもちろん、Sam Gendelファンにもおすすめです。 (AYAM)

Across eight tracks that mesh spacious, jazz-laced composition with fourth-world tonality, saxophonist Joseph Shabason sketches an auditory map of the transcendence, unity, conditioning, and eventual renunciation of his upbringing in an Islamic and Jewish dual-faith household. The resulting album The Fellowship bears the name of the insular Islamic community Shabason’s traditionally Jewish parents belonged to from a time before he was even born; a mental and spiritual push-pull which continued shaping, even controlling, his outlook well into his adulthood. As a listening experience The Fellowship follows a chronological arc that spans three generations covering his parents’ early lives, his own spiritual and physical adolescence, and his subsequent struggle to eschew the problematic habituations of such a conflicted past. On The Fellowship, as on prior albums that bear his name, Joseph Shabason does what only the best instrumental music makers can: tell a story with emotional clarity that conveys even the subtlest of feelings, all without singing a single word. As wordless as ever-- with as complex a theme as ever-- this album may be his most emotionally articulate yet. Most importantly, those lost in the woods of repression and self-doubt that organized religion can be at its worst now have The Fellowship to help guide them into a softer light.

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