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Fabiano Do Nascimento
Das Nuvens
- Cat No: LR236LP
- updated:2024-11-22
リオとサンパウロで育ち10代で南カルフォルニアへ移住。その後に母国ブラジル音楽古典に親しみサンバ・ショーロなどのリズムを確認、同時にL.Aシーンの洗礼と今サイケデリック・カルチャーを通過した孤高の現L.A在住のギタリスト、ファビアーノ・ド・ナシメント。既に名作を連発してますが、こちらもキャリア史上重要作になるであろう2023年作。やはりここから、マシュー・デイビット率いるLEAVING RECORDSよりリリース。
Track List
Los Angeles-based Fabiano Do Nascimento is a multi-string guitarist and songwriter who melds the traditional idioms of his native Brazil (i.e., samba, choro) with the more contemporary and experimental strains of jazz, pop, and electronic music. Das Nuvens (“The Clouds”), out July 2023 on Leaving Records, is a crisp, frequently blissful, and deceptively groove-oriented showcase from a consummate musician — a rich and varied collection of songs, all of which seem to prioritize, and thrive in, the soft and intentional spaces between notes. Das Nuvens constitutes the free-form, exploratory work of a musician who, having mastered a distinct musical language, seeks to apply his skill towards broader, more experimental modes of expression. Fittingly, track one — built around a contemplative, pointillistic refrain— is titled “Babel,” a reference to the legend of man’s attempt to build a tower to heaven, and how God thwarted this alleged act of hubris by shattering man’s shared language, sowing chaos and confusion. Though a stern parable on its face, it is a myth that enshrines our world’s dizzying array of languages (of modes of being), and the subsequent beauty of cultural exchange through art. In this regard, it is a fitting opening statement for an album that collapses and collages not only contemporary and classical Brazilian and pop idioms, but also the diverse range of indigenous music that Nascimento has encountered and studied in his travels as a touring musician.
今作はブラジリアン・ギターの今解釈 & 残響アヤワスカな作風から飛躍し、ニューエイジ・フュージョンとも言うべき音色も入りながら既視感どおりに響かないのはやはり底にブラジル経由のリズムが流れているからでしょうか。曲タイトルにもあるオーロラと、もちろんアヤワスカも入り混じる錯覚と白夢中、瞑想と点描4次元ジャズ/フュージョン。そしてファビアーノが旅してきた地域の土着/フォルクローレから、彼の思春期に過ごしたラテンアメリカの森の音。ブラジル出身のギタリストでDaniel Santiagoが参加。 (Shhhhh)