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Apparel Wax
Apparel Music
- updated:2023-08-18
2021年以降010でリリースが終了していたApparel Waxが7インチで復活!ソウル、サンプリング。100枚限定で、植えると植物が育つSEED PAPERSつき。
We are delighted to announce that July 2023 is the month in which you will finally be able to know the new Apparel Wax product: Apparel Wax Mini. The Mini catalogue (dedicated to 7-inch vinyl) fits into the narrative of our masked hero as a sort of prequel, as the 'Mini' vinyl represents the 'childhood' of Apparel Wax, his life before its music started to be heard around the world. Another novelty is that the first release is double. In fact, APLWAXMINI001 and 002 will drop on the same day, both containing two tracks, one on each side. With a physical product of different size, we have also adapted the graphic design of the project, as you'll notice looking at the record. A new adventure begins in the world of the masked artist who, this time, will tell another musical story created by the now famous anonymous collective of phenomenal artists behind the project. APLWAX002's A side features a dynamic Disco/Dance touch and a vibrant funky feel while B side has a more Lo-Fi taste and a powerful rhythm section, both combining to create a burst of rhythm.
DJ KISKのApparel Waxが7インチ001と002同時リリースで復活。限定100枚のみのおまけのPLANTABLE PAPERは付属しません。 (サイトウ)