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Frente Cumbiero / Mad Professor
La Bocachico / Bestiales 77 Dub (Black Vinyl)
Little Beat More
- Cat No: LBM024
- updated:2023-10-28
コロンビアのオルタナティヴなクンビア・バンドFrente Cumbieroの新作が 〈Little Beat More〉から7インチ!その名を体現し続ける名匠ダブマスター、Mad Professorのリミックスを収録!
The Colombian band Frente Cumbiero from Bogota has been successfully mixing
traditional cumbia rhythms with more contemporary music trends for a number of years,
creating an unusual end product. At the Javeriana Universidad of Bogota, in 2010, there was
a productive meeting between the four-piece band and some local musicians with Mad
Professor. After three work-intensive days, the recordings were in the can.
Out on a limited sold out double Lp, and a sold out 7” inches box set, we're so honored to
repress 2 songs from this masterpiece on a single 45 vinyl.
Made with Love and cut it loud for your ear pleasure.
Edition of 600 copies, coming in a black paper sleeve with sticker.
Pressed on high quality Black and Yellow vinyl wax (40 gr.).
traditional cumbia rhythms with more contemporary music trends for a number of years,
creating an unusual end product. At the Javeriana Universidad of Bogota, in 2010, there was
a productive meeting between the four-piece band and some local musicians with Mad
Professor. After three work-intensive days, the recordings were in the can.
Out on a limited sold out double Lp, and a sold out 7” inches box set, we're so honored to
repress 2 songs from this masterpiece on a single 45 vinyl.
Made with Love and cut it loud for your ear pleasure.
Edition of 600 copies, coming in a black paper sleeve with sticker.
Pressed on high quality Black and Yellow vinyl wax (40 gr.).
Eblis AlvarezのMeridian brothersと共に、Los Pirañas、Ondatrópicaなどでも、コロンビア、ボコダのオルタナティヴな感覚のクンビア、南米サウンドサウンドを産み出してきたキーマンMario GaleanoのメインプロジェクトFrente Cumbieroのニューリリース。、パジェナート、南米楽団、管楽器からギター、ベース、パーカッション。電子音までアフロ・コロンビアン・グルーヴに乗って愉快に踊るサウンド!B-SIDEはUKダブの最高峰、マッド・プロフェッサー。 (サイトウ)