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Beyond Space And Time 002-2023

  • Cat No: BEST002-2023
  • updated:2023-11-17


12inch ---- JPY

GE-OLOGY のエクスクルーシヴと、SHANNON HARRISのNeo SoulグループASCENDANTとのコラヴォレーション名曲をカップリング。アムステルダムの名門レコードショップ Rush Hour 主宰 Antal と Rainbow Disco Club が企てるコンパイルシリーズ "Beyond Space And Time 002" 第2弾。

A-SIDEは、DJ SPINNAやセオ・パリッシュも信頼するバルチモア・ネイティヴのDJ/プロデューサーGE-OLOGYのエクスクルーシヴ。 B-SIDEは、寡作ながらコアなディープハウスファンに支持されたDJ SHANNON HARRISによる アフリカン・スピリチュアルなASCENDANT「Gyenyame (Only God) (Holistic Harmony Mix)」のリミックスを収録。 (サイトウ)

" The second release from the compilation series "Beyond Space And Time 002" selected by Antal and Rainbow Disco Club.

Following the sensational and collectable first release in 2022, this hands on approach album contains powerful and soulful house music. These tracks were carefully selected by Antal and would place the central role of his set.

A-side features the vinyl premiere "Pursuit Of The Journey" by Baltimore's mastermind GE-OLOGY. Deep house with beautifully vibrant beats, glossy voice sampling and synth melodies that takes you to the vivid journey. GE-OLOGY has been active in a wide range of fields from hip-hop to house since its early days. "Darkly active" is the exact word to express him. Without making a display of one's originality, he is showing the current state of the fresh US deep house.

A superb deep house with a mellow and raw Afro-futuristic rhythms played on actual machines "Gyenyame ("Only God")" is recorded with license on the B-side. This was released in 2006 from excellent label "Urbanicity" founded by Chicago producer Shannon Harris who is known for almost all of its work being featured on David Mancuso's Loft playlist.

As the first release was a collectible 2LP package of Rush Hour's taste from Japanese to rare groove, Caribbean, soul and left field, this EP "Beyond Space And Time 002" has changed pace from the first volume with a more focus on dance tracks with a deeper flavor with true value delivered from the dancefloor of the Rainbow Disco Club.

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