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Yuri Suzuki
Seaside Life
Sketches Records
- Cat No: SKT016
- updated:2025-02-05
DMX Krewのファミリー的存在のアーチストで〈Super Rhythm Trax〉やHerbertの〈Accidental Jnr〉などにもフックされているYuri Suzuki。アーリーテクノやハウスへのオマージュ的な要素も感じさせる5曲。ユニークなタイム感覚。
Sketches 16th Release. Vinyl Only. Limited copies.
Yuri Suzuki debuts at Sketches presenting a complex music selection, exploring much of his electronic music experiments.
An Artist focused in element details, combined with precise sound design. Suzuki’s release transits between House Genre’s, from Electro, Techno, Acid, Deep, with Sounds Elements from 80’s til now. Special, timeless and versatile record, to have in collection, and be on the case.
Yuri Suzuki debuts at Sketches presenting a complex music selection, exploring much of his electronic music experiments.
An Artist focused in element details, combined with precise sound design. Suzuki’s release transits between House Genre’s, from Electro, Techno, Acid, Deep, with Sounds Elements from 80’s til now. Special, timeless and versatile record, to have in collection, and be on the case.
ブラジルのStekkeや、Thomas MelchiorやGari RomalisたちのNeotropicalなどもリリースしているフランスYOYAKU関連のレーベル〈Sketches Records〉から、Yuri Suzukiの新作EP「Seaside Life」。テクノ好きをニヤリとさせるようなフレーズも織り交ぜながら、アシッド、ユニークなシーケンス、圧巻のクオリテイーでアウトプットしています。推薦盤です。 (サイトウ)