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Dakchi Hani / Rruina

  • Cat No: BJR 45-032
  • 2024-07-29


7inch 2750 JPY

サイケデリック・エンターテイメント。〈Les Disques Bongo Joe〉から、ダブケ、エレクトロシャービにもつうじるモロッコ出身のSami Galbi。リズム。ダブ、エレクトロニックの面白さも魅力。

スイスのフランス語圏のオルタナティヴ・シーンで活躍するスイス系モロッコ人ミュージシャンのサミ・ガルビ。ヴォコーダー、オートチューンなヴォーカル、シンセサイザーとエレキギターが炸裂しながら、中東ビートなリズムマシーンとベース、ハイエナジーなダンスグルーヴが圧巻。 (サイトウ)

Swiss-Moroccan musician from the alternative scenes in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, Sami Galbi draws from the music of his childhood, the one he rediscovered in the cabarets of Casablanca — raï and chaâbi that he narrates in his own way. Using analog machines, raw synthesizers, and guitar effects, he enjoys modulating North African popular and folkloric music, giving them a pop texture and a club atmosphere. On stage, Sami advocates for a 'high energy' music, borrowing from the codes of urban genres such as English bass music and West Coast hip-hop.

First single, "Dakchi Hani," which translates to "It's not serious" in Moroccan Darija, is a post-breakup love song, a sort of reconciliation with the past, a celebration of a encounter that lingers nonetheless. It's a way of starting over by retracing one's own emotions with humor. The track draws inspiration from raï and, more broadly, from North African popular and folkloric music, incorporating a contemporary rhythmic and sonic foundation. The title keeps the listener engaged until the end. The prominent melodies of the guitars, raw synths, and straightforward vocals are anchored on a compact and bouncing rhythmic base borrowed from lo-fi electronic cultures.

Rruina and its secret will be revealed soon.

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